
Do you get nervous when you give a talk or speak in front of lots audiences? how do you solve this problem?

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Do you get nervous when you give a talk or speak in front of lots audiences? how do you solve this problem?




  1. what I did is that I studied before and then said the whole speech in front of my mirror and when I went and spoke to the audience, it wuz a piece of cake

  2. that's nothing, wait till you get confident then have to deal with an erection on front of a live audience.

  3. Um i used to be afraid of giving speaches and stuff like that but, im not anymore because now i just  try to make the audience laugh instead of being bored or something.

    Hope i helped and good luck on your speech if you have one

  4. I solve it by not giving speeches. Just think, if you don't know them and you mess up, you won't ever see them again.

    If you do know them, and you mess up, you can all joke about it later.

    If you need to impress someone, practice saying it so you don't get caught up on words.

  5. Just go in like you are a rock star and own the room. Its just a confidence thing = )

  6. practice what you are saying. go over it a couple of times. practice in the mirror, in front of your friends, anything that will help you, then when u start you won't be fumbling over your words. also before you go on just breath. just relax and know your going to do good from the start! i hope this helped! and good luck!

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