
Do you get out of the bath just to pee?

by  |  earlier

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or do you go in the water?

or on your way out?

why? too lazy? relaxed? too cold? lack of control in water?




  1. I take showers, but when I do take a bath, I will get out and go.  That's NASTY!!!

  2. Just go in the water, it's natural

  3. Yes I get out- I am not going to sit in my own urine- Yuck!

    Now, the shower is a different story... (Jokes)

  4. Jeez, I am STILL bathing in that water.

    A shgower, not a problem; but a bath, I GET OUT

  5. I lay in the tub a lot just to read so I'll usually just pee in the bathwater.

  6. i go in the water...and uhm then i bathe in the water..and wash my hair..

    and uhm them i uhm..drink the water..

    and yeah im obviously lying...

    i go before i take a bath.

    and i dont drink my own bath water...yucky!

    can i get best answer for being really grody? :D

  7. get out talk about urinary infections!!!!!

  8. Bathing in my own pee, that would be disgusting. Plan ahead and go beforehand. It's silly season on

  9. in bath heck  no in shower maybe let it go.

  10. uhm... yes i do. just cuz i couldn't stand sitting in my own urinal. :/

    in the shower i sometimes just go tho.. mainly cuz i want to save water & don't see the point of going outside if it is all gunna come off in the shower anyway =P

  11. I don't like having baths, but I do pee in the shower. Why because it's just pee. It'll wash straight off ya anyways.

  12. I hope that I won't have to worry about such things until I'm a bit older.  My bladder ain't that weak.

  13. lol - Noooooo!  Before I bath or shower...I take care of business if needed - without fail!

  14. If you pee in the bath or shower, you have no class.  Come you really want your bodily fluids on you? Gross!

  15. I don't take baths, but I do pee in the shower.

  16. nope i take a p**s in the bathwater

  17. Get out. Use the toilet.

  18. Yes!

  19. i guess so :)

  20. In the bath?  Yes, I always get out if I have to pee...though generally I take care of that beforehand.  

    But if I have to pee in the shower, I usually don't get out.  It will all just rinse away anyway, and plus I can always re-soap myself to make sure I'm still clean.

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