
Do you get paid in the Peace Corp?

by Guest31908  |  earlier

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If so......... then how much.




  1. My stipend was $407 per month in Micronesia, and that was about what a working local made.  $75 of that went to my host family, leaving the rest of it for me to do as I pleased.  I lived on a tiny island, and we fished and gathered our food, so I didn't use much of it.  I was able to save up enough money to travel three times.

    the area I served in used the U.S. dollar, so I never used any other form of money, except when I travelled.

  2. Pay and Living Expenses

    The Peace Corps provides Volunteers with a living allowance that enables them to live in a manner similar to the local people in their community. Returning from overseas requires some adjustment, so when you complete your service, the Peace Corps provides just over $6,000 toward your transition to life back home. This money is yours to use as you wish: for travel, a vacation, making a move, or securing housing.

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