
Do you get paid to home school your children?

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Do you get paid to home school your children?




  1. I wish!

    My income comes from my husband working full time and I work from home part time.

  2. Do you get paid to be a parent?

    ...that would be pretty flipping sweet though

  3. No. No one pays me to educate my own child.

  4. NO... Go thru a charter school they will help with supplies and other items such as karate, ballet, or sports activities.

  5. We do not receive a "paycheck" that can be deposited in my checking account, no.

    We get paid in many other ways; ways that monetary compensation could never compare too.

    We make deposits in our children's "lives" the only place where capitol gains, and dividends truly matter.

  6. I don't get paid for doing this. I am the one who pays for the tuition, materials, field trips expenses. And also we pay the house where they study, electricity ,water, Internet connections and many others... But being with them, seeing their progress and the ties that binds us is incomparable.

  7. That sure would be nice.

  8. Not exactly. Homeschooling is a sacrifice in many ways, because you won't be able to work full time and won't pursue many of your own interests...but as I see it, what better pay and "interests" that my own children growing happy, safe and healthy?

    There are no tax cuts or benefits for family that do homescooling.

    In BC (Canada) if you register your child with a private school (you don't pay for that), the school gives you some reimbursement for the books and supplies up to 150 CAD a year. It comes from the government, because every independent school gets 175 CAD for every registered child. Because the school is not using it, it reimburses you between 120 and 150 per child, taking the rest to cover "administrative" expenses.

  9. Lets see, if you count the money saved by not buying these things, than I'd have a bundle by years end:

    - no more replacement backpacks for lost ones

    -no more replacement lunch bags or water bottles

    -no more lost or stolen clothing items

    -no more "donating" of school supplies

    -no more ridiculously priced school pictures, twice a year

    -no more teacher's gifts that don't deserve them

    -no more school fundraisers that I end up buying most of

    -no more gas wasted going to and from the school

    -no more lost school library books that I know were returned

    -no more "school" clothes, they're just clothes

    That is all I can think up just now, but I've already saved a ton.

  10. ... no ...

    Think about it, as much as it would be awesome to get money for being a parent; you just don't get paid.

  11. nope onlyu if they are foster kids lol

  12. Of course I do, dear.  I have a rich family life, educated and well-adjusted children, and just too many benefits to list here.

  13. Yes.

    My son pays me $35 per hour plus insurance benefits.

    Just joking!  No monetary payment but I view teaching as an investment in the future of my child.

    Maybe he will pay me later in his life?  I should start tracking my hours!

  14. Nope.  And you ARE responsible for paying for curriculum. Of course you can find free stuff, or you can go with a state funded charter school - but the latter is public school at home -- not homeschooling.

    check out

  15. Nope.

    You could get paid to homeschool other people's children.

  16. I live in Alberta and we don't get paid to homeschool, but we do get reimbursement for materials and lessons up to a certain amount which changes yearly. This is kind of compensation for forcing us to register with a public school board or a private school offering homeschool "supervision".

  17. Um, definitely not!  But I made sure to think my parents on a regular basis for my awesome education by sending them cards in the mail (even though we lived in the same house!), verbally thanking them, and doing extra things around the house after a long day of driving me around.  Now that I drive myself around I can't imagine doing that for three kids!

  18. no

  19. I receive no monetary compensation for homeschooling my child, but the rewards I receive are truly priceless.

  20. No money made here.

    I get paid in 'Oh now I get it'....or 'So that's how it's done'.

    Someone made a comment about not paying for the books and whatnot....don't know what list they are on but depending on what avenue you use you can get materials from NEARLY FREE to CHEAP..... ( I use the Dollar Tree, thrift stores, the internet, library) but I also keep on hand a ready supply of printer ink, printer paper and a good quality printer/scanner/copier (mine's a Lexmark).

  21. No you don't and you have to pay for the materials and supplies needed to teach them

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