
Do you get really angry when driving being blinded by an idiot with main beam on when it is no way necessary?

by  |  earlier

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Pardon the grammar i know you will know what i mean. Surely it is illegal to use main beam constantly.




  1. too right and the idiots who leave there fog lights on

  2. Whenever I am with my parents, they get very annoyed at people who have their brights on if they're behind us. I get my license in a few months, and everytime I've driven, I've come to know why my parents get angry. =]

  3. Yes it's very annoying.  Contrary to what someone else said, it's not illegal to drive with headlights on main beam.  The Highway Code states that you 'should not' drive on main beam unless it is necessary.  Unfortunately, it's difficult to define (in law) when it's necessary.

  4. Yes very danderous because its blinding.....

    & illegal too.....

    : /

  5. yes especially when they have a bright blue tinge to the beam also

  6. It's annoying, but getting angry serves no purpose. It only ruins YOUR day, not his.

  7. Yes I do and yes it is illegal for failure to dim your lights.

  8. I don't get angry about it. Sometimes they may not even realize that they have their high beams on even. I usually put my directional on and pull over to let them pass. Why get angry over something like this, I can think of plenty of other things.

  9. It's very annoying. If they don't drop to "dipped beam" after I've flashed them twice, I switch on "full beam", fog lights and spot lights. With that lot blinding them, they soon dip their own lights.

  10. No, just swerve into him or slam the brakes or both. I end up frightened and quite rich.

  11. Yes, and with the idiots with fog lights on as well

  12. yes,it's soo annoying! idiots shouldn't be driving at night if they can't work the controls properly.

  13. its annoying, some new cars low beam are as high as there high, is just bright zenon lights, gets me too!

  14. Completely agree.I also hate when idiots who leave their fog lights on when it's not foggy.Also while I'm ranting has everyone forgotten how to use their indicators.Have to go now or will just keep ranting.

  15. You should see someone about your road rage.

  16. I don't get angry, no. I just give as good as I get.

    And no, it's not illegal - it's just bad manners, that's all.

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