
Do you get road rage?

by  |  earlier

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For example, you are taking your exit and someone changes lanes in front of you very closely and goes 5 mph.




  1. Absolutely, I get mad but I don't go crazy.  Nothing makes me angrier than an idiot driving a 2 ton killing machine and taking on their cell phone or not paying attention.

  2. I only get annoyed if they cut me up or don't indicate? Other than that, I think I'm quite good!

  3. Yahh. People can be so stupid sometimes. Scratch that all the time

  4. gah, i have such bad road rage.

    on the road people can be such idiots and it drives me INSANE!!!! :]

  5. i used too. now that i am older not so much . it isnt worth it

  6. No, I just take a deep breathe and expect the worst and stay away from the fool that's driving bad.
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