
Do you get sick of people doing the speed limit?

by  |  earlier

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ok if their around a school in school hours ok, but on the motorways and main roads their always in your way

THEN you are forced to take dangerous action to keep at a good pace. Overtaking can be dangerous.




  1. So let me get this right. You're pissed that someone isn't breaking the law?

  2. No, not if they are in the outside lane of the motorway

  3. Yeah - there should be a law against it.

  4. Call u a t*t more like

  5. When on the motorway, the speed limit had been decided many years ago by the standard of the cars at the time.

    Cars these days are so much safer to drive, with reduced braking zones so I think anything up to 100 mph would still be safe.

    Anything less than 65, on a clear day, is ridiculous

  6. Well you must hate me because I stick to the speed limit AND I drive a 4x4 you can't see around, AND I am a female!!

    Speed limits are there for a good reason!!

    If you can't overtake safely then you are not the GOOD driver you think you are are you?

  7. To call me a GIT, A SUGGESTED NAME CHANGE and talking of turds

    WE have laws for a reason, if you want to go faster than the limit,go to a race track, and do us all a favour stay of the road. a***e!!!!

  8. Not as long as they use the right lanes. People that want to drive faster then have the option of using the lanes to the left.

  9. I can tell that you wear a baseball cap and that you play over-loud, rubbishy "music" in your car!

    I bet you hog the middle and right-hand lanes, drive with your fog lights on when it isn't foggy, rarely indicate, have bad breath and you are afraid of girls.

    I claim my £5!

    P.S.  Some people say that cars have become safer at higher speeds since the speed limits were set, but unfortunately these cars are still driven by the same clueless morons and selfish bell-ends as we had then, only now they are fatter, scruffier and spottier.

  10. No, I get sick of people like you.  We need more cops on the road to give you enough tickets to get your license revoked before you kill someone.

  11. the speed limit is there for a reason, it saves lives , you are dangerous, the other day i had a 36 ton lorry and trailor on my backside flashing his lights  beeping his horn trying to make me break the law and speed up, i was smack on the speed limit 40 mph on a B road , if i had to brake for any reason he would have gone right over me, bit like you i guess , thick, ignorant, dangerous, got his license out of a lucky bag, grow up before you kill sombody.

  12. they do annoy me but at the end of the day that is the law

  13. Wait till you can't stop one day then you will realise why we need speed limits, I just hope it is not my family you crash into......think about it...

  14. No.

    What I get sick of are people who take dangerous action (like overtaking on double white lines) just because they think the safety regulations don't apply to them or some c**p like that.

    Oh well, speed cameras do have their uses :-p

  15. I get extremely sick when someone drives well under the speed limit on a good road. For instance where someone trails at 30 MPH on a national road!!! And it just so happens that you can't overtake because too many vehicles coming the other way.

    I think these people are just as bad as others who go well too much over the speed limit and should be stopped because they lead to other drivers becoming extremely frustrated and overtaking a few cars all at once. Means you're stuck behind slow coach and it doesn't do much for happy mood!

  16. Yes.  What nerve!

    They're probably on their way to NOT break into my house, NOT rob a bank, or NOT kill someone.

    All of this following of laws must stop.  Speed.  Ignore traffic signals and stop signs.  Drive on the wrong side of the road.  Run over pedestrians for fun.  I'm sure the world will be a better place.

  17. Never. I always keep to the speed limit, even on A and M roads because they're set for a reason. Around schools, even outside of school hours, you should slow to slightly below the limit, because you never know if a kid might run out in front of you (i.e. they've finished an after-school club, or returned from a school trip away, etc.) Yes, 30 m.p.h. seems slow at times, but usually those areas are set at that speed because there's been accidents there in the past.

    If it is dangerous to over-take someone doing the speed limit, don't over-take! You shouldn't be in such a rush to get to where you're going. Just enjoy the drive and don't get so stressed out with people just trying to be safe.

    P.S. You're not forced to over-take, you could just slow down!!

  18. Wow you certainly know how to wind people up on here Mr C

  19. Yes jeremy.

  20. I don't get sick of people doing the speed limit. When I had 9 points on my licence I stuck to them rigidly.

    What I am sick about is the fact that they are there in the first place.

    The 70mph limit was introduced as  a "temporary measure" after a pile up in fog in 1965.  At the time it raised little comment, but the top speed of the average family car of the time was only about 85-90.

    If you travel on any motorway at 70mph virtually all the traffic is travelling at a much higher speed. Any law which is almost universally ignored has to be a bad law!

    Most of europe has a motorway limit of 81mph which would be slightly more realistic.

    There has never been any incontrovertable evidence that speed limits reduce accidents. The lowest accident rate in europe is on the unrestricted sections of the german autobahn.

    The Isle of Man also has a low accident rate yet outside towns there are no restictions.

    The Highway code hasn't changed stopping distances since 1965 when the average car had drum brakes all round and no servo yet the average car with ABS will stop at a rate of 1 - 1.2g compared to the .7g used to calculate the distances in the code. At 70 that is a difference of 50 feet.

    The idea that 70mph is a suitable speed is equally outdated.

    I remember 1965 and I can tell you a modern Ford Focus at 100mph is much safer than a Ford Anglia was at 60mph.

  21. Of all the pathetic questions I have ever heard this must top the list. Speed limits are there for a reason, mostly to stop egotistical maniacs like you, from causing fatal accidents. If you don't like the speed limit then don't drive a car, the roads would be a much safer place without idiots like you. Do me a favour and gel a life before it's gone

    Also would like to ask people if they are sick of tossers breaking the speed limit and thinking they are invincible.

  22. It always cracks me up when someone says the guy obeying the law is responsible for some idiot making an unsafe lane change or other unsafe maneuver.

    It's another classic example of the current "Everything I do wrong is someone Else's fault" mindset.


  23. Oh, come on, people!

    This isn't a serious question - it's just a wind-up; a joke.

    No-one is stupid enough to come on a public forum and SERIOUSLY suggest we should all break they law and drive like idiots, are they??

  24. no-just sick of halfwits abusing them.idiots like you cost me a fortune in insurance premiums(are you even insured?have to ask as you are blatentlt stupid/irresponsible)wake up-grow up and learn to drive(safely)

  25. Actually I think you make me sick

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