
Do you get super size meals?

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Do you get super size meals?




  1. No, and the reason being is because it is just too unhealthy. Also I do not get fries anywhere I go anymore (I have lost approx 40lbs this year). When I go to Wendy's I get a plain potatoe, a salad, or oranges  on the side for me and my daughter. When I do go to McDonalds I get apple dippers (yummy). So I would only be paying for a bigger drink and not a larger side so I do not super size plus most of SS cups are so huge that they tend to tip over...SO ANNOYING...With the out of control obesity in this country fast food places really should consider not offering SS as that is really enough fries and drink for two people. Don't even get me started on a SS soda, as a full calorie soda in a SS portion is prob three times the recomended daily sugar intake in one serving! Get a nutritional menu from all of your favorite fast food places and if you care about your health and weight you will leave the fries alone! Have a great day!

  2. if i'm hungry enough.

  3. No, I just get strange looks when I ask for a children's meal. I've stopped eating out altogether. It's not worth the hassle and assault on my body.

  4. I don't eat fast food so no, never.

  5. ya for one person-myself-pregnant or not

  6. **** NO!!!!!! after watching super size me **** that man

  7. NO!  I NEVER GET SUPER SIZED MEALS!  WHEN I GO TO MCDONALDS, I ONE BOX OF 4 CHICKEN NUGGETS AND A SMALL FRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...    ITS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. No.

  9. Not unless I want a super size butt!!

  10. No, I think I would explode if I did!

  11. One mcdonalds does not have the supersize meals anymore 2 no way that is to much food.

  12. I once got the Ultimate Trio from Applebee's.  It was more food than my stomach could handle and I ended up throwing up afterwards.

  13. Nope

  14. Nooo way thats way to much calories

  15. All the time

  16. no it adds more fat

  17. Nope, the servings are way too huge!  And most places offer free refills on no need.

  18. No it just more fat

  19. heck no

  20. I don't eat much fast food anymore, but when I did and if I were to in the future... No.

  21. I used to, but now I order a burger off the $-menu and maybe some fries. Some people can eat a supersized meal, but that doesn't mean you should. They're so unhealthy.

  22. no way! i feel fat enough just eating a regular one!!

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