
Do you get teased about your canadian accent?

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well i do!

it is really noticeable and every one says are you from canada? (i live in minny now) or they say like your a canadian EH EH EH!!!

or even start singing the national anthem to me..IN PUBLIC and i dont even know them...:)




  1. haha yea i live in minnesota too and i guess people say i sound like im from there but im really not

  2. never been out of canada but i do get teased alot for being a maratimer out west they tease me about a whole bunch of words that i say these are the worst ones





  3. no

  4. Hold on here...Minnesotans are making fun of a Canadian accent?  That's the freaking funniest thing I've heard all day.  

    Minnesotans...whose accent spawned the movie "Fargo"... a lot of North Dakotans and Minnesotans really do sound like that.   I live nearby (in Canada)...I've been there plenty of times.  Been there.  Heard it.

    That's bloody hilarious.

  5. nope what aboot it eh

  6. Strange  i never thought that the Americans knew where Canada was...   usually they don't even know the name of their neighbouring states.

    Yes they like to giggle about useless stuff like this..  I really wonder how you can stand living in the US..

  7. The minute I go into the U.S and ask for an 'Iced Tea' instead of a 'sweet tea' they peg me. Lol

    And like someone above said, saying 'sorry' alot is a characteristic I have picked up. I get made fun of by my British friends, but they say it's because I have a 'cool Hollywood' accent Lol

  8. Sounds to me like you don't like to be teased!!     I've found that the best way to beat the teasers, is to join them.  If you can learn to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously, then  you will fit in much better, be much more relaxed and  you'll make a lot more friends than you would by being uptight and getting upset by a bit of teasing!!  The best example of this is the "Newfies" (Newfoundlanders): They tell the BEST Newfie jokes in the whole world, and make friends wherever they go - despite having one of the thickest accents in the world!!

  9. i was born in canada, and therefore developed a bit of a canadian accent. i've lost most of it, but I do use "eh" and say "about" and "sorry" like a canadian. i do get made fun of. but i don't really care

  10. When I worked at call centres that assisted Americans I used to get teased a lot.  Certain words used to make our "Canadianism" apparent.  So did our politeness.  ;)  When I worked for Fed Ex call centres, we would have people ask if we were the Canadian call centre because they wanted to talk to someone "polite".  

    I also recently went to the southern USA and people knew I "wuuzent from 'round them parts", "cuz y'all talk funne".  LOL  I just nodded and said they were right, I was not from there.

    Part of being Canadian is being polite, having a sense of humour and knowing our Canadian accent is only part of what makes us a great country.  :)  (come back soon....Minneesoda isn't as great as Canada)

  11. A lot of people can tell I'm Canadian when I go to the U.S. But I don't think I really talk any different from anyone in the U.S.

  12. No matter where your from or what your accent is, if it isn't what the norm is where you are now, you will be teased....I'm from Texas - I used to go to Wisc. and Minn. every summer - thankfully it seemed to turn the boys on so I would lay it on real thick......just get used to it, eventually someone from somewhere else will come along and they will be distracted.  And did you say your in Minnesota now, now that is one heck of an accent!  Ya know!

  13. yup... my bf's an Aussie and he teases me about my accent all the he on the other hand has no accent..ahem lol

  14. im not canadian and i dont know how they think ur canadian (are u) i dont laugh at canadians becoz there's no reason i think those people who laugh at canadians for no reason likes the canadian as in like

  15. I'm from Vancouver so I have a really flat neutral accent.  No one ever guesses where I'm from.  On the other hand when I meet people from Ontario I can tell right away by the ABOOT.  I love it.  :D

  16. I don't have a Canadian accent I have a Newfoundland accent... enough said.

    When I travel people keep asking me if I'm Irish.

  17. i'm from vancouver and the most i've gotten is from brits who say they can't imitate me. apparently our accent is too subtle. i've noticed that people from toronto speak differently than i do, sounds more american. i do get a lot of heck for 'eh' which i don't even say, but once they bring it up i make a note to throw it in at the end of every sentence. then they stop :D

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