
Do you get that feeling?

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Do you get that annoying feeling that any time you are walking on the streets, you feel as if every body is looking at you and you become so uncomfortable or awkward?

*I do hav d feeling; and I hate it- hw can i stop feelig this way, pls?




  1. It isn't the people on the streets.  It is the unbelievable number of cameras everywhere these days.  You truly are being watched about all the time you are out in public places.  Not much one can do about it.

  2. Oh don't worry, I'm like that too. Usually it's when I'm in a bad mood though. Just blank it out, think of other stuff instead.

  3. I do.  All the time actually.  It's a pain but the only thing that works for me is (1) Having someone with me to talk to&distract me or (2) walking very fast and keeping my head down.  I don't know how to stop it, if you find any good tips be sure to let me know and it's good to know we're not the only ones to feel like this.

  4. Yes, I used to get it a lot. I think it's quite common, but commonsense says everyone else is busy seeing to their own stuff.

    And if they're really are looking at you - don't feel awkward - celebrate it! You're unique and special, so make sure they are looking at you with your head up and smiling.

  5. It might be what you are thinking about yourselves. Not for sure, but maybe. Is it true that you sometimes think that you are not doing or looking right? And that other people judge that negatively? That most other people wouldn't like because of that?

    This might be the reason. I think it is not abnormal, and perhaps you are fine, it is just that you think that way. If this applies to you, and are you anonymous? Then ask just another question what we think about those things.

  6. i just avoid looking at them problem solved why should i bother much

  7. thats because ur talking to urself unknowingly u really shoud stop its a lil weird

  8. every day, its been happening for years, when i was younger i never felt like this, perhaps i suffer from a bit of paranio idk, wish i could stop feeling like this too.

  9. You seem a little self concious. Yes, I've had that feeling when I was ill, and was convinced everyone was staring at 'the freak with no hair'. It's not nice I agree, to the point where you don't want to go out.

    Think about why you feel that way. Is there an aspect of your appearance you're not happy with? Can you learn to love it? Change it? Hide it? Or is it just an anxiousness you can't shake? In that case put on your best shirt or something that makes you feel confident and walk down the street. Stick with friends, make yourself look good, and eventualy you'll get your confidence back. Remeber you're you and that's fine. You don't have to go changing to please anyone else - do what makes you feel better. Good luck :)

  10. I get that feeling every time I go to a city. I wonder if I'm going to get mugged!

    You need to move out to the countryside, or at least a rural town.

  11. I don't know how to stop it, but i feel like that.. i usually just try to loosen up and it kinda works or try not to think about it u know

  12. yes but then i make it just as awkward for them

  13. At times. Focus your mind on something more important.

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