
Do you get the WIC breastfeeding package? I need ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I just took inventory of the WIC items in my pantry and refridgerator. I have 8 lbs. of assorted dried legumes, 4 lbs of carrots- (two moldy, two fresh), 6 unopened jars of peanut butter, 13 cans Juicy Juice, 8 lbs. of assorted cheeses in various stages of decomposition, 8 cans Chunk Light tuna in water, and a family-size box of Kix.

I am thinking of throwing a party, and would like to use up some of this food at the event.

Does anyone have any ideas for recipes using the aforementioned items? How about game ideas?

Think fast! I get more food this month!

Finally, who to invite?

Thanks in advance!




  1. I'll be there!

    You can make a moldy carrot cheese cake! Sounds yummy! The tuna can be the frosting and Kix can be decoration!

    What do you want me to bring?  

  2. Casserole, girlfriend!!  Invite your Y!A family! We are here for you, whenever you have a question, so it's really the least you could do.

    Also, I would suggest inviting the men's health section. What a party, eh? We could play beanus length bingo and also a spelling game involving the various misspellings of "masturbation" (I'm up to at least 15 now, with my favorite being Masterbathing)

  3. I'd like to. How about you show me your package, and I'll show you mine.

  4. ok...give the moldy carrots to Ms. RAHI, she sounds like she's starving!!!

    lucky you...when i got wic, i used to BEG them not to send me all that nasty c**p. i had king vitamin and generic peanut butter coming out the whahoo.

    me and my son will be there. he'll have the tuna and some juicy juice. give the cheese to the whiners in the pregnancy section!

  5. Take the food to a food drive or women's shelter.

  6. FWIW:

    "What interesting and nutritious meals can I make out of items regularly given out from the food bank?"

    "Finally, who to invite?"

    Your local congress(wo)man?

  7. Why don't you just give it to the needy? With our economy and prices rising everyone can use food.

  8. Sounds like the perfect ingredients for a lovely trail mix.

    You will have plenty to go around if you invite Mr & Mrs Sunglasses, Little Peenith, the Dreptuplets (that's 37 babbies), little Papsmear and the other as yet to be named trannie baby.

    I would come, but I have plans.

  9. I'm sorry-

    are you bit@hing about what you get for free while the rest of us (-you know, those of us who have work, own homes, and taxes so you don't have to buy your own d**n carrots and peanut butter -

    have increasing grocery bills?

    Please, donate it to a food bank,

    and forward your post to your local newspaper.

    And instead of wasting it, leave it for someone else.

    People who complain about the hand-out they are getting don't exactly bring out the charitable inclinations in otherwise giving people.

  10. You can make a butt load of peanut butter kix crispy treats, the rest....ew.  I get wic too, but not the breastfeeding I dont get the vegetables.    With just my bf and I, we go through everything we get really quickly.  I would like to be able to get more....seems like your pretty wasteful.

  11. if you don't eat it, why do you bother getting it??  

  12. Here is a casserole recipe that you can use that uses up your tuna, beans, and some cheese. It calls for canned beans, but you can just cook up your dried beans. Link:

    With the rest of the beans, you could make a soup. The carrots can be used in the soup. I'm sorry but I do not have a recipe for bean soup, I just know that it tastes good. (And I do not know exactly which dried beans you have.)

    but links:,1748,134...,176,13018...

    (perhaps do a search for 4 bean soup as well.)

    With the exception of the cheese and carrots, your excess food can be donated to your local food bank who can find people who really need these items. Sometimes you can call and they will come to your house to pick the items up. Please do not use these foods for games when there are people who really need this stuff.

    (Food banks, churches, shelters will take such items, you can also freecycle the items.)

  13. First of all if you are not willing to eat this stuff, why are you will to dish it out to family and friends. Make some macaroni and cheese. Or just throw that stuff out and buy some good food and then have a party.

  14. Tip: Pass out trial sized Beano product to your guests given your menu.

    ETA: Game ideas:Throw rotten food at various members of the Y!A community.  For a complete list, please email me.

  15. Invite me!

  16. my suggestion would be a nice tuna casserole, a homemade punch with the juicy juice and throw the rotten **** out LOL. have your family or friends over for a simple dinner.

    try donating any foods your not interested in.....theres always someone in need...


  17. Ms Rahi-- Please do not be ignorant!  Any mother can apply for wic.  It stands for Women, Infant, Children.  meaning, if you are a mother, then you may receive it.  SO, why don't you educate yourself a bit and lighten the heck up!

    To answer your question... Spike that juice... make some cheesy dip... set out a veggie tray and par-tay!  The theme can be "fighting ignorance with the help of WIC, in dedication to Ms Rahi"  

  18. I think that if you don't use it and let it spoil in the fridge then you are spoiled and you should not be getting WIC. There are some other mothers who really need it. You obviously don't.  

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