
Do you get the impression Gordon Brown is pisssing in the wind?

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Do you get the impression Gordon Brown is pisssing in the wind?




  1. Look, he has just announced that he will, temporarily, suspend some of the stamp duty that people have been saying should have been totally scrapped years ago.

    You see what a man of action he is?

  2. it pissed me of how he gave 2millon to Georgia than complains this country needs more money he is a dumbass who needs to hurry up and stand down  

  3. Don't know about that, but he has certainly been TAKING THE p**s out of the electorate for the past 11 years !!

  4. I've never really considered his toiletry habits.

  5. Yes and it's landing on US poor joes that have to pay for it all

  6. Yes!I can see the direction where the questioner is coming from!Gordon Brown is getting his own incompetent decisions being blown back in his face!

    When political history is written about this period and Gordon Brown in particular!It can only come up with one title;The rise of the Mediocrity!

  7. MABYE HE AND HIS WIFE ARE INTO WATER SPORTS  of coures i think he is p@ssing into the wind, he wull try anything to stay in power.

    the man is a complete fool, Tony Blair new what he was doing when he left office, by letting the fool brown take over, Blair new we would forget his many mistakes and want him back just after the idiocy of brown was recognized. he was correct id rather have Tony B-liar the Gordonski Brownakov the EUski puppet

    tony is nae good either. they all are incompetent liars

  8. This  Broon guy is pissing INTO the wind and wondering why his shoes are getting wet.  He really is that incompetent.

  9. He and his cronies are a waste of space. They have managed today to wreck the value of the pound, they are going to stop stamp duty on all houses under £175k (the average price being over £180k!), they say they can do nothing about the fuel increases (but they can make private firms cap prices). Mind you with all the ppl going bankrupt and losing their houses Im at least kept in work!

  10. As well as pissing in the wind he may well be "s----ting" in his pants as well.

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