
Do you get the impression after 2 nites of viewing the democrats?

by Guest64425  |  earlier

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that they are nothing but a party of whiners and complainers?




  1. Not at all.

    And you can spot those, like yourself, who aren't even watching it a mile off.

  2. Bush and the republicans should have not given them anything to complain about, it s to late now.

  3. I've had that impression for quite some time actually.  For me it was too difficult to watch the convention for more than a few minutes at a time.  It was like being someone of a certain faith going to the service of another faith.  You may not necessarily have anything agasint them as people, but the message they preach just makes you feel wierd inside because you flat out disagree with them.  Perhaps you're just going because a friend invited you and you didn't want to be rude.

  4. It sounded to me that it was a group of motivated individuals coming together and vowing to bring this country back from the precipice on which it now rests after years of mismanagement under Bush. Alot of you seem to be content that the country has been junked while your party has been in control but I just pass that off as a lack of integrity, which is nothing new.

  5. I haven't seen any whinning.  As far as the complaining goes, there is a lot in daily life to complain about thanks to the Bush Admin.

  6. Well after 7 1/2 years of the corrupt & inept Bush administration & McCain wanting to continue the same failed policies, they have a right to complain.

  7. Well, You have to admit that Bush and the Republicans have given Americans a lot to complain about.

  8. They've been a party of whiners and complainers ever since they discovered that you can vote yourself money from the government treasure.  Ever since they took FDR's 'temporary' solutions and made them a permanent way of life, they've done nothing but whine and demand more, more, more government give-aways, free everything without having to work for it, and are still not satisfied.

  9. Listen to you...

  10. no, not at all.  Did you actually watch it or are you regurgitating what the right wing propaganda machines have said about it???

  11. I didn't see Mondays DNC

    I did view last night's speech.

    The Obama-ites are very nervous.

    They think they made a big booboo dissing HRC who  could have brought a good sum of HRC's 18 million votes to Obama's ticket.

    Obama blew it.

  12. these people make me sick to my stomach

    with all of their anti-american whining

    I had to turn the garbage off

    I just couldn't take any more of it

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