
Do you get this idea sometimes?

by  |  earlier

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Where are people on responding from. Can you please tell me where you are, the weather and what you may be doing if it is not personal.

Thanks - I feel like you are next door.




  1. I'm in North Carolina, it's looking like it is going to rain outside, and I am sitting at the computer answering your question.

    :) peace!

  2. I live in London, England. It's night right now, but it has been rainy, windy, cold and dark all day. Right now, I am just browsing the internet as I can't sleep. It's 02:58am!

  3. I am in Ocean Shores, Washington enjoying my day off. It is icky out and we have had some lightning since last night. Hope we don't lose power. Last year lost it for 7 days!


  4. Florida, Mostly from my house or while im in class, getting ready for the hurricane im southern florida so i think im safe.

    besides heat florida is the best place to avoid mother nature

  5. Nottingham, U.k

    Its not actually raining here for a change,still gray and dreary though

    Killing time before work

  6. wow you must live in a reli crampt neighbourhood  if we are all next door

  7. Well we must be close it's raining almost everywhere so far, just quit here. I'm in Pennsylvania


  9. i am form the Philippines and its been rainy here for the past few days

  10. I live on the Oregon coast, and it is raining.

  11. I'm in east Tennessee. It's dark outside and (I assume) dry and semi-cool. It's cool inside here and I'm multitasking. I'm answering questions on here, moving files from my XP box to my Mac G4 and watching a video on my Vista box.

    But my heart is in Cheung Chau where I'm lying in a hammock petting my cats and thanking God I don't have a computer!

  12. i live in california and i am disabled so have time to respond

  13. hellooo :)

    I am in british columbia, canada :P

    hmm the weather isn't as hot as it was these past few days. white skies with seemingly grey clouds but its not cold but not warm its like perfect temperature

    and i have been waiting for my friend to come over for hours doing nothing i guess ill go play some wii sports

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