
Do you get to boss people around as a King?

by Guest63860  |  earlier

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Do you get to boss people around as a King?




  1. Yeah but its more to do with being rich, money equals power, than any other reason. In the uk the king/queen is often said to be just a figurehead but a lot of important powers rest with them eg they chose the government in the event of a hung parliament.

  2. Of course you do, if you didn't what's the point in being a king!

    best of luck to you!

  3. no  

    your advisers (prime minister) etc.

    get to boss you around

  4. Not really. If you live in certain countries, like England, you have some power and tons of respect but its more constitutional, not absolute.

    They have a parliment that makes all the decisions together, and there is a constitution that tells them what they can or cannot do.

  5. Noo =( soo unfair.. wish I could...this is because I'm the youngest in the family! but atleast I get the most attention so who cares?

  6. Only if you are Don King.

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