
Do you girls have a mullet?

by Guest67137  |  earlier

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I had an awesome mullet. Well, it was getting there, and all my friends thought I was weird for growing a "she-mullet". So, I went to the hairdresser today, and said:

"I'm growing a mullet."

and so she basically chopped the whole thing off! I'm mulletless!

And Tegan and Sara are touring near where I live (i think...) in December/Janurary, and I was gonna grow an awesome mullet for then.

My hair takes ages to grow! :( :(

Do you have a mullet?

Share your mulletness for the mulletless :(




  1. Uhh awesome and mullet should never be used in the same sentence.  

  2. No, I would look really terrible with a mullet.

    Instead I have this cut:

    I didn't even pick it myself, my aunt did for me.

    I think a cool rugby cut is rather sporty.

  3. yah i had a sweet mullet for a year or so

    then i needed a change


  4. Mullets don't look good on me.:-) But yeah TEGAN AND SARA they look so hot with their mullets. It is sad your mullet is gone but maybe you can find a new hairstyle for the occasion!

  5. i dont have a mullet...but my best guy friend was awesome...till he shave too much off the front...and his mom made him shave the rest...

    and about the girls havin mullets...i actually saw a lady saturday night with a mullet...and it was the ****...

  6. a female's is called a fullet

  7. i have a "scene-ish" mullet

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