
Do you give a gift to someone who is going away in the military?

by  |  earlier

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  1. maybe a pair of gloves and a cap, or a special locket.

  2. I just wanted to have a big party and get drunk with all my friends before I left.

  3. If they are going into boot camp, don't bother giving them anything except maybe a photo or some other personal item like a religious item.  they are not allowed to have any personal property during their initial training.  A better idea might be to get  them a gift after they make it through boot camp and have something to celebrate.

  4. It depends how they are going away -- to Basic Training or to their first duty station or being deployed.

    If they are going away to Basic Training, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to give them a gift. The military will issue everything they need, and usually they must send anything not issued back home.  If they are going to their first duty station, a gift would be wonderful.  If they are being deployed, again it probably wouldn't be a good idea.  Prior to deployment, their superiors inspect and approve everything they plan to take with them that is personal, and it is sent overseas weeks before they deploy.  Plus, the more stuff they have, the more they have to carry.

    If you want to get a gift for a soldier who is deploying, find out their APO address and send them a care package.  Anything from home will certainly brighten their day.

  5. When my friend was deployed, we got a big banner made and everyone signed it with their notes.  It really seemed to touch him.

    But more important than a going away gift, start collecting lots of stuff and keep sending care packages - microwave dinners, candy, toothpaste, the socks mentioned above, nerf balls, cards, whatever.  Maybe you can enlist others to help.  My friend told me it didn't matter what was sent, it was getting *something* at all.

  6. A nice kevlar vest would be a thoughtful gift.

  7. good practical things would always be welcome. but i think its a great thing to do! they are going away, defending our country so if i could buy them all something i would.

  8. Yes.  Give them a prepaid phone card.

  9. yea. id think more so that you'd give them something that will remind them of home. something sentimental and easy to keep on there person..

  10. I have to say socks. I've known a lot of military people and for some reason they're always asking for more socks.

    Only give things they can bring with them.

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