
Do you give an end of the year present to a prek teacher and if so, what?

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My son has 2 teachers in his classroom....




  1. I would give her a gift card for target,walmart or Stables. There is nothing any teacher would likebetter, so they can buy more supplies for the next year. Write a nice little card saying what it is for ,the teacher will love it. Believe me.Teachers never have enough supplies.

  2. In my son's pre-K, the moms got together and got the teachers gift certificates and some flowers. Everyone pitched in ten dollars per family.

  3. Our class got together to make a scrapbook for each teacher.  Each child made a page, which contained a photo, story, picture and each family pitched in a bit of money for a gift card for each as well.  They do not make much money so anything is appreciated.

  4. The parents of our school always pool together $ from the families, usually $20 each - and we buy a visa or mastercard gift card, that can be used anyplace that takes visa or mastercard.  It has always been very appreciated, and it is certainly better than 40 little "trinkets".  Handmade cards by the children, are also really precious.

  5. maybe something they use frequently in the classroom, or maybe if you know of a bleach pen that works well, i'm sure they'd love it haha. something made by your kid is always nice. maybe if you've got a picture of your kiddo and the teacher you could have your kid decorate a frame for it. or maybe a nice batch of cookies..

  6. It is a very nice gesture, but please keep it very inexpensive!

    Most teachers say that what they treasure the most is a handwritten note of thanks.  It can be from you, or it can be from the children (you can write a sentence for each of them).  If the note is from the children, you can help them print their names at the bottom.  By they names, do something cute, like use an ink pad and put their index finger fingerprint.  You can add little round ears, a pointy nose, two dots for eyes, and a tail, and the then the fingerprints will look like little mice.

    If you prefer to give bought gift, I suggest a $5 gift certificate to Starbucks or a similar place.  No mugs.  No candy.

  7. well, as a pre-k teacher we dont expect it but its always a very nice surprise. some families do like to giv ve at the end of the year and at holidays and such. really just a little card written by the child is always as sweet as it gets!!!!

  8. I gave my boys Kindergarten teacher a miniature rose which she planted outdoors and still has it. It is a bigger bush now and has tons of tiny roses on it each year. This was 10 years ago.

  9. something small is usually welcomed.

  10. we have our kids dip pretzel rods in melted chocolate. They roll them in all kinds of sprinkles. Fun and kids can do all (except melt the chocolate). The teachers always love stuff that they know the kids made.

  11. I am a four year old teacher and my room also has 2 teachers.  I would never expect a parent to give a gift at the end of the year.  Many parents do but what I appreciate most is a thank you note and pictures drew by the child.  Also pictures of the children throughout the year is very welcome.  If you feel you must give your childs teacher something do practicual things such as supplies for next year or a gift card to the local teacher store.  Although things expecially made for teachers are very cute she probably has an overabundence of them anyway (they are also a lot more expensive then they are worth).  Just rememer she will probaly like something to remember you are your child by most of all.

  12. I LOVE baked treats.  A plate of brownies with a homemade card with a picture is always appreciated.  A journal with a "teacher poem" inscribed on the inside along with a cute was nice to receive one year.  

    No need for anything big or extravegant.  Teachers in this field just really want to be felt appreciated.  It's nice when someone puts in the effort to bake a plate of sweets or personalize something.  Means more than a giftcard.  hope that helps!

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