
Do you give best answer to the answer you want to hear? or to the answer that you need to hear?

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Do you give best answer to the answer you want to hear? or to the answer that you need to hear?




  1. What's the difference? lol maybe one I want to hear!

  2. I don't give best answer to anything.

  3. Neither.

    Only one of the psycho pants or exceptions will get a BA off me

  4. this is a good question. i always give the best answer to the one who tells me the right thing..even if i may not want to hear the truth sometimes..with some of the things i ask !!!!!

  5. Most people give the best answer to the one that agrees with the question. I tend to do the same although sometimes someone comes up with something I had not thought about so I would give them the best answer. Most times I only answer questions that I disagree with so do not get many best answers.

  6. I sometimes give best answer to a person I want to set straight.

  7. Good question - the answer I need to hear!

  8. It depends. Sometimes the one who gives the answer i need to hear is a complete prick.

    so no chance lol x

    Ed> sorry, just realised how that came out lol, wht i mean is they may tell you in a really patronising or nasty way, in which case -i'll take the advice and choose someone else purely out of my bad principles.x

    Ed> sorry, just realised how that came out aswell. there's no easy way round this.......(!)

  9. I try to give best answer to whoever I think has made the most effort.  

  10. The answer you need to hear is that you need to fix your own life.

  11. Bit of both really.

    But as you can see from this Q i do give BA to the answer i NEED to hear...sometimes!

    Aha! I know who you is !!

  12. Yes I have noticed this.  People mostly give the best answer to the answer they want to hear, and not the answer that necessarily is correct.

  13. Both.  I might also put it to the vote.  Once or twice I vote No Best Answer if I feel nobody has answered the question.

    If I throw in a particularly controversial or fundamental question, then the flaming can get a bit heated.  Tonight in Current Affairs is pretty red hot. One particular question attracted two reports from me for insulting beyond the remit of the question, a dozen thumbs-down and about two thumbs-up.  I think the Best Answer I will give will be the one of the two so far that was actually reasoned, rather than spitting hate like a rabid snake.

    One other Best Answer I gave recently was not the answer I wanted to hear, but contained a home truth I could not ignore.

    Usually I look for the one that actually answers the question.

  14. I give the best answer to the person that helps me the most.  I like to add witty questions sometimes and then I give the best answer to the question that I think is the wittiest answers.

    That is what makes YA so great, we are all so very different, we all have different opinions and we all like a laugh - a perfect combination!


  15. Ok because I am honest I would say 'want to hear'. But then that is not fair on the person who took the time and trouble so that is why I don't ask too many questions.

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