
Do you give blood and why??

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Just thought i would ask this as i started to give blood a few years ago after my dad had cancer. While he had cancer and all his operations he had alot of blood/platelet transfusions etc and i realised how much blood was needed so started to donate few months later. What are your reasons for donating?? To everyone who does donate thank you!




  1. I do and the simple reason is that it is a d**n easy way to help save people's live and get free biscuits!

    Its such a simply, easy and painless thing to do that makes such a huge difference in other people's lives that I find it really hard to understand why not everyone does this.  Such a small percentage of the population that are able to donate actually do, and I really can't get my head around why.

    Good on everyone that does.

  2. No I don't, but not because I don't want to, it's because I'm too little :) But anyway later in life I will do that too because in my opinion you do such a small thing by giving blood but it means a lot to the person that needs it and you are saving a life with that and that is a beautiful feeling even though I don't know how it feels lol ;)

  3. Used to give blood, then progressed to giving plasma which helped such as those who had leukemia.

  4. i give blood because its needed, and its because its something i can do to help :) its a great feeling to help others.

  5. Yes I give blood and platelets as well. My boyfriend suffered for a long time from Leukemia and if it wasn't for the generosity of others he wouldn't have been able to have the many blood transfusions and platlets that he was given. It doesn't cost anything to give blood but it could cost somebody their life if there is none to give them.

  6. i want to but mine aint good enough, im a diabetic

  7. I haven't yet but I'm going to when I can.

  8. I made 149 donations before I became too old.


    1 To help others

    2 A good heath check. If anything was wrong they would soon let you know

  9. i used to

  10. blood, it flows through our body, it makes, it breaks, it repairs, it maintains, its there when we need it...

    sadly...due to the situation, blood does turn out to be the evil one, hurting us, leaving us high and dry...literally

    id do what it takes to save someone's impression of this precious liquid...

    it may not be exclusive, but it is more precious than gold...

  11. Yes becasue it helps save lives and in some countries you get paid

  12. I havent yet but i want to because it saves lives and one day mine could need saving to

  13. yes I do

    I think it's something that everyone who is eligable should do and contrary to popular belief it REALLY doesn't hurt!

    I give blood because it may save someones life and one day I may need the gift of blood to save my life, I would feel like a hypocrite to be willing to take blood but never give!

  14. I do give blood since I like the feeling of being able to help someone (or according to the brochure, up to 3 people ;D), and also one day I may need blood, so hopefully the donating spirit continues :).

  15. yeah- for the same reasons as most people do but also for the free biscuits and orange lol

  16. Yes I have given over 30 units so far and my group is "O" neg which is much sought after by the medical people because it can be given to anybody during operations.

  17. I'm too young now, but I will when I'm old enough. Gotta' be 18, and I have 3 years. =D

    It was pretty cool, we had the people taking blood in our school.

    It was nice to see some seniors in my class leave to go do it.

    Influencing seniors ftw.

  18. I have and will do it again soon, it just feels great to know you are saving people's lives and that is just a great feeling. =]

  19. I donate several times a year.  I have given > 8 gallons.  I do it for several reasons, the most important being:

    I am a nurse & see the need for blood donations in my professional life.

    When I was born, my mom bled out.  She had A- blood & it was difficult to find suitable donors.

  20. yes i do.i do it because it helps save lives :-)

  21. Yes, I do, because it is needed, and who knows, one day I might need some!

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