
Do you give money to charities? Which Ones? Are you satisfied with your return on investment?

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Since there are so many charities out there with very specific missions and goals - I was wondering if people don't bother choosing specific organizations to donate to and perhaps just go with the big names like Salvation Army, UNICEF, and Jerry's Kids.

This is your opportunity to be your fav charities voice box or call out charities that did not fulfill their promises.




  1. l agree,there are many charities out there.l made a decision two years ago,to only donate to the Salvation Army,and legitimate collectors who knock on my door.These volunteers usually have identification.This way l can decide for myself if l would like to donate.

    l don't know how many times l have been called on the phone from endless charities wanting me to donate.l did initially,but..........for heavens sake,lt just got far to daunting.How legitimate are some of these charities,the mind boggles.l have to stop somewhere.

  2. I give money to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  I volunteer and put on my own events to raise more money.  I am VERY satisfied with my return on investment, since I am in sense investing in the life of my ten year old cousin Jonathan, who has CF.  I have seen the new medications that have come out and they are WONDERFUL.  They have made a huge difference in his quality of life.

  3. I do not give money to charity

    It is goernment which is the biggest receipient of Charity and by their own optimistic admission only 15 % reaches the target

    Taxes is also a charity

    I am with all of u in charity.  all my taxes go to pay the salaries of gossiping , idling, sleeping , position proud, villaionous civil servants

    i serve direct charity . like handing over school material to slum children who do well well in studies

  4. I give GOODS rather than money because I know the kids will really get it and use it.

    My favorite is the Pencil Project b/c they are helping kids get an education, one pencil at a time. Education is the only way out of poverty and then these children can return to their communities and help themselves.

  5. I donate to Demelza House Children's Hospice every month, with 3 checks a year.

    I also donate to Toys for Tots. I buy 3 toys a week, so I have over 200 toys to donate to at the end of the year.

    I also donate to the Pencil Project. It's a great charity. The accept all school supplies.

  6. I made initial gifts to some international organizations that I regretted later, per the overwhelming amount of repeat appeals they made for more money from me, the unnecessary gifts that accompanied these appeals, and the organizations selling my name to even more organizations, which resulted in even more appeals for money. I rarely got reports on how my money was actually used, and never got invitations to volunteer/participate, outside of giving more money. NOW: I give primarily to two international organizations: CARE International and MADRE.

    I gave to CARE the first time because I very much wanted to give financial support to an organization that was focused on women in the developing world. I kept giving to CARE because of the excellent updates I get regarding its work, the news articles I read that mention CARE's work or where CARE staff are quoted, and the invitations from CARE to participate in various campaigns: for instance, to write my own words of encouragement on a special school ruler, which is then be given by CARE to girls in Afghanistan on their first day of school. I read about CARE in the news and am so happy to be a supporter of their work and their approach. They make me glad I'm a donor.

    I have no idea how I came across I know that it was a time when I was looking for a small organization based in the USA but focused on women, and where I might have the chance to volunteer with them, accompanying the staff on a site visit. Somehow, I came across MADRE, and was so impressed with all they do at the grassroots level in the developing world. Again, I'm happy at their updates and feel like I can really see the difference my money is making.

  7. I have given to St. Jude's Children's research Hospital for years and have always been very satisfied with how my money is used.

    I also support UNICEF (just bought some UNICEF items today in fact),, Product(RED), and Doctors Without Borders. There is also always an "emergency" fund available in my bank account for situations such as Hurricane Katrina, 9-11, The 2004 tsunami, etc.

    The past few years we have shopped with these charities for holiday gift items, so that a portion of our money goes to help the charities.

    Always go to Charity Navigator to check a charity before donating and Never give to a phone solicitor calling on behalf of any charity (even one you usually give to). These solicitors can take 90 cents or more of every dollar you donate, leaving the intended charity with just a small fraction. Always go to the charity's official website (you can link to it at Charity Navigator) to make a donation and check out the charity's store while you're there.

  8. I give my time and my money to American Red Cross.  I have been a volunteer with them for over 15+ years.  My field of expertise is disaster services.  Red Cross uses 92% of the donor dollar directly to clients in need.  There sre so many disasters that are not publied that people are not ware of what we do.  There are the daily house fires, floods, tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes and any other disaster that we respond to.  We have over 1 million volunteers across the United States who even get a call in the middle of the night to wake up run out to a burning house, find lodging for people, give them a little stipend for food and clothing and referral to other social service agenies that can help.  The volunteers are committed to service their community and its people, they do it for love and because they care.  We are highly trained and take courses continuously to keep current and learn to skills.

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