
Do you give the bum on the street a dollar?

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I'm a bus driver by trade. I was feeling sorry for this guy the other day holding his little cardboard sign by the road every time I went by. But then at the end of the day he got on my bus! He had his bus pass, and chatted up his buddies on the way about what he was doing later at "home" then told them "see you in the morning, etc like any ordinary person headed home from a regular job! That's it for me, I've long suspected that these people actually make a living at it and probably have more money than me. Now I know. Just something to think about before you reach in your wallet next time. Are you a pushover?




  1. Dont be fooled- a lot of homeless people have devised ways to survive. Thats why theyre still alive. Do you think they could stand being out there in the cold and the rain if they couldnt survive?

    Maybe he is on a pension and is trying to supplement his meagre income. Maybe he is a scammer. Who knows.

    Ive posted about this before- best way to help people is to support saying no to drugs and supporting alcoholic friends by offering to go to AA with them.  

  2. I gave a couple of bucks to a very starved looking homeless girl a while back, I don't think she was headed home in her BMW to her hillside home later.

  3. never give a cent anymore! my apt. block is a virtual crack den, and one tenant here is bringing in 3-5 HUNDRED bucks a day!! he only has one leg and is a great story teller. btw he only "works" in the morning when people are leaving for work, then when they are getting home. around supper he hits the open air patios asking for food off peoples plates and sips of their drinks, of course they feel sorry and give him money for a meal.

  4. Yeah you should absolutly not do it. They do usually have more money than you think. I live in a town where this guy is homeless and we tried to give him money one time and he cused us out saying he didnt need it. I was mad. So yeah i dont do it anymore. And besides, you already pretty much give to the poor, with your taxes. What do you think Welfare is?! This is America, no one is "POOR".

  5. I see that sort of stuff often here in Hungary.

    There was a group of 4 young Gypsy's walking just fine on a small side street holding their crutches in the air.

    A few minutes before that, they were on different corners walking all hunched over with all of their weight on their crutch.They gave a very convincing show.

    I also see the same old lady here now for years wearing the same old outfit and always wearing a black eye.She always has that sore eye, so weird, it's either makeup or somebody is hitting her to help her get more money.

    in the states I often have to work hard just for a dollar tip at my job, it makes me mad that someone can just sit there half drunk and ask for money.

  6. i did a few times back in the day. then it just got old. i saw a t-shirt one time that read "no i will not give you any spare change you homeless p.o.s."

    ha ha it made me giggle. yea, you can say i have a heart of stone, but, think about it. ask yourself why are they homeless? it didn't just happen, theres a reason for it. 99.9% of the time, its b/c of drugs or alcohol

  7. no

  8. I kick homeless people and tell them to get a ******* job.

    Then I go "lulz pwned."

  9. You have to be very careful today.

    We are very involved in my church..........people come off the street often and ask for money to buy formula for their babies, or gas, or food.

    We do not give them money..........we either bring them to the local shelter for food.........or we go to the grocery store........they buy what they need.........and the church will pay for it.

    We have learned.................we don't give out money anymore.

  10. No! Never give a bum a dollar. Do offer to buy him/her a meal

    at a Macdonalds or Burger King or something like that. At least

    you'll know where your contibution is going. Make sure they

    eat it in front of you as well!

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