
Do you give the music on your computer a star rating?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you need more time on your hands?!

(Just wanted to know if anyone did it!)

A bit like asking this question.




  1. no yes maybe so

  2. Yes! I always rate my music on iTunes, as it puts it into your top rated on your iPod (;

    Plus I think it's a great idea. ^_^

  3. Nope, even though I DO have the time. i just choose to do better things.... like YA answers hahaha

  4. Yes I do!  So what!?  I happen to think that a star rating is a grand idea!  I have time on my hands, so what? I'm not hurting anyone with my stars, am I?  Oh my god, I just had a though....your hands, my see where I'm going with this?  

  5. I Don't because if I like the music on my computer i dont need to rate it!

    but it does give a nice colour to the white background?

  6. About a quarter of the songs on Itunes have a rating on my PC. I was trying to make all the CD tracks have their actual name and artist, isntead of just Track 1, 2, 3....

    But I got about fifty songs in and got bored :P

  7. no if i did all of them would be 5-starred so it doesnt really make a difference

  8. Well i Know i do because i got over 400 songs and share with my family so there are always new songs so i use the 5 star Rating to help see what i have listen too and rate.

  9. I already know what I like.  Why would I need to tell myself that my favourite recording is worth 5 stars?

  10. Yes I rate the music when I listen to the certain songs haha

  11. Five star

    roughly ten thousand songs and two thousand music videos

    and a sound system to match

  12. I really do not see the point in doing it at all as there is no point downloading some rubbish song just to rate it 1 star.

  13. you can on launchcast radio. your ratings help the software to determine which song are played on your station.

  14. nope, doesnt make any diffrence so i dont do it, anyways windows media player already give stars.

  15. no lol i hv better things to do

  16. no

  17. nope, thats for losers... but i do have an ocd thing that all the songs have to have the right name, artist, album, and album pic.. yeah maybe im the loser.

    i just know what good songs i have by name.

    rating stars is just a waste of coding.

  18. I've done it on iTunes just to show others what I think of the music, but when it comes to other devices, I don't really bother.  It is interesting to see, however, what others think of the same song!

  19. I think I did a couple of mine just for the h**l of it, but otherwise, no.

    Plus I am too biased - if they are on my computer, then chances are that I think they are d**n good and worthy of such an honour! hehe

  20. I give star to every song i want to hear on my iPhones best rated list. But it needs time and everyday containment. Just songs i want to hear at moment are there!

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