
Do you give to charity??

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Do you give to charity??




  1. I don't give money but I do give my time.  I think actions speaks volumes over coins.

  2. depends wat kind of charity

    if its bums on tha street then no

    cuz they will spend it on crack

  3. yes, ME

  4. yes.

  5. Yes. I haven't got the money but I give my time and efforts whether it's taking out the elderly neighbour's garbage or crocheting an afghan to raffle off at a local nursing home. They use the funds to improve life at the home for the residents.

    The Muse

    P.S. I am physically challenged but still healthier than some.

  6. i give what i can, it may not be much but i try to help out ♥

  7. Not money but clothing and furniture. I cleaned out my parents home after they passed away and chairty received nice things.

  8. Yes, every two weeks after I get paid.

  9. I have in the past, right now I am in tight circumstances.  However, I will say this:  If one never gives to charity, one will never truly experience the "joy of giving".

  10. Sometimes we give to help homeless pets at Petsmart.......

  11. not money but gently used clothing☺

  12. I give to charity on less than a monthly basis as I have direct debits (not sure what the term is in the U.S. where money goes from your bank account to various organisations) I wont list the names of the organisations I give to as I would consider that to be rather vulgar but believe me I do my bit for the world, when I'm in a store and I see a collecting tin I always give generously.

  13. Yes I donate not only money but also time.

    I volunteer for several youth organizations and hold some chair person responsibilities in the organizations.

    Money is a nice donation but without individuals giving of themselves the money would just sit.

  14. yes i do. I think its a great hing to do and if you can afford it, definitely do it. it makes you feel good!

  15. Absolutely ... not only money ... but also time. Time is even more valuable these days and they need it definitely. As a teacher I take my students on occasion and my son to teach them how truly lucky they are and that you cannot live a truly fulfilling life if it is a selfish life. The best way to give back is to volunteer whenever you can. Even a few times a year is better than nothing and it makes you a better person in the process.

    I support United Way, St. Jude's, Disabled American Vets, American Cancer Society, Catholic Charities, and my local children's hospital and homeless shelter as well.

    If we could all just give a small amount of time to those in need ... the world would become a better place definitely!

    Peace to you ...


  16. Not any big charities,just someone that may need a little help.Also i give what i can to St. Jude's & Disabled Veterans Association.Have a good day.

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