
Do you give your child tylenol...?

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Someone I know gives their child (3 yrs old I think) tylenol at night when they want him to go to bed. Is this harmful to the kid since he's not sick, or not hurt?? She just does it to make him tired so he will go to sleep!!!

If it DOESN'T hurt him, do you think it's right? I'm not a mom, so I don't know if this is common practice.




  1. i only would give Tylenol if they need it. my son only got Tylenol when he was teething really bad.

  2. Drugging a child to get some sleep is never a good idea better to tire them out by letting them burn out all that energy. Warm baths, milk, and a bedtime story help also a STRICT bedtime help and they are not only safe but healthy

  3. BAD BAD IDEA!!! Tylenol can be harmful to the liver.  I wouldn't give a child any medication to make them sleep.  Take them outside early in the day to run and play lots it works better than any meds :)

  4. Frequent use of tylenol can cause liver damage!

    They need a regular bedtime routine, not drugs!  (And tylenol doesn't do anything for sleep anyway!)


  5. often if a child is overtired a dose of painkiller actually can settle them down. Doing it occasionally will not hurt but better to try other things first

  6. i give my daughter she is 17 mon. the liquid tylenol when she isnt feeling good and that's it, i dont believe in giving babies or toddlers any type of medicine to make them tired, that is the stupidest thing i've heard, i apologize and dont mean to sound disrespectful but that is crazy

  7. I've never heard of using tylenol to make someone go to sleep, as I think it's not SUPPOSED to make you drowsy..

    Sooo.. No, I don't think it's safe. I could be wrong though.

    I have heard of and approve of using a little bit of alchohol (a VERY small amount) to help teething babies sleep though. My mom did this with me and I ended up fine, and she survived my screaming. (:

  8. Tylenol does not make kids sleepy. is she giving the child cough syrup? that does make them sleep and that is wrong, drugging a child is not OK, medicine is for sickness and all medication has to be processed by the liver, if there is over use it can cause liver damage latter on. I know a woman that took Tylenol everyday for 4 years for back pain, she hit what her doctor called a "toxic level" if she takes it now she gets a ringing in her ears and a head ache.

  9. Benadryl is what is recommended to use to induce somnolance, even in 3 yr olds.  This has been recommended to me by many specialists.  My youngest gets it occasionally and has since 12 months.  My son has some issues/delays.  I think it would be best to teach the child to fall asleep naturally, if possible.  Some kids do need medication for sleep but should only be used when absolutely necessary

  10. advil is a muscle relaxer and antiinflamatory it also causes stomach bleeding and shouldnt be used by anyone

  11. think of it this way if you gave a child tylenol every night to sleep his or her body will get immune to it and when they do actually need it; it will not have any affect!

  12. No, tylonol should not be used everyday. Certainly no more than 7 days in a row. Even adults shouldn't take it everyday. It can damage the liver.

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