
Do you give your kids an allowance?

by  |  earlier

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If so, how old were they when you started? Do they have to work for their allowance? Does their work have any impact on how much money they will get?




  1. Ok..what i think is that if they work for the money. Then they should get rewarded. But dont just give them money. And i think a good age to start is 10 cause around then they want to do things..and they need money soo then they work for it and then get the money. Thats just my way of thinking.

  2. My daughter is 8 years old. I started when she was 2... but she didn't understand it than. She does chores for ALL her allowance. I don't just hand out money for nothing. That is not life and my job is to prepare her for life. She can get as much money as she wants.... she just has to work for it. I pay 5 cents up to 50 cents per job. The odd time a dollar, depending on what it is.

  3. My kids aren't rewarded with money, they are rewarded with treats. If one of my kids wants to do something with their friends and they have earned it (good grades and behavior, and doing their chores) then I will usually give them the money for it.

  4. My kids get around 80 dollars a month allowance if they complete all there chores for that month. Money is deducted if something is not done. That seems like a lot, but out of that money they have to pay for their cell phones each month which we charge 25 dollars a month each, also they have to pay for there school lunches for the month, that is around 15 dollars each. We will by the food for lunches at home and they can pack  if they want and pocket the 15. They are required to pay for any bills they might create from overdue library books to field trips at school to special clothes they want and snack they buy at school.

           I now take them to the mall shopping for their clothes and when they see the price they now ask if I can take them to walmart to shop. My oldest daughter has become a flea market junky. It takes time but its working and they now appreciate what things cost.

  5. They started when they were ages 12, 10, and 8. (All at once). They have to work for their allowance. Their work does not hjave any impact on their allowance, except that they have 2 jobs a day(one on sundays) and if they do not do a job it is 50 cents docked per job from their $5

  6. My kids are 7 and 3 and they do not get an allowance but if they are good and the ice cream man comes around I will buy them one or if they want something from the store I will get them something.

    Here and there my 7 year old will ask for a few dollars and I will give it to her but in a sense they have to earn it.

  7. Up until recently i was doing $10 a month in spending money just to be nice as it is childsupport coming in for them anyways. But now as my oldest is turning 6 I feel he needs to learn to be more responsible with his toys and such so now his allowance is based day to day on how well he helps around the house.  All i require right now at his age is that he picks up his toys when he is done with them and that he put dirty dishes in the sink and trash in the trash can and other small things like that.  As he gets older i may request more but I don't want him doing so much around the house that it affects his schoolwork either and they have homework even in kindergarten.  My 3 1/2 year old isn't fully ready yet for all the chores but we are working him into it.  I do expect him to help pick up toys and he does good with putting dirty dishes in the sink and trash in the trash can though so really he does seem to do as well as his older brother.  So if they do good at the end of the month they end up with around $6-10 for spending money.  They can either spend it or save it for later.  They are now learning that i am serious about it and doing much better.  If they have a day where they are sick though i don't expect chores to be done but once they get better they must return to doing their chores.

  8. My son is 4 and gets $ 5,00 a week but he forgets that he has it.

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