
Do you give your school age children vitamins?

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She starts back to school tomorrow. Seems like last year she got sick alot with colds ect. Would vitamins be good for her?




  1. If you think her diet isn't providing her with enough nutrients then I guess a children's multivitamin would be fine... I always loved Flintstone vitamins.

  2. My 5 year old son takes Lil Critters Gummy Vites Multi-Vitamins and Omega-3 Gummy Fish and Animal Parade Kidgreenz.

    He is a very picky eater so that's why he gets everything listed above. He rarely gets sick. Your daughter sounds like she eats very well so she probably doesn't NEED a vitamin but it certainly wouldn't hurt to give her one. If you're mostly concerned with her getting sick you might want to try a vitamin specifically meant to boost her immune system. Like this one...

  3. Yes, all 3 of my children take a multivitamin daily. The best thing though is to try to build up her immunity by making sure she eats healthy foods, avoid foods with dyes, additives, etc... and that she washes her hands several times per day.

  4. no I don't. There is not enough of any one vitamin in them to make a difference. The only thing i give my son is calcium as he does not drink milk.  

  5. No.  My son (7) is an excellent eater and I think he gets all he needs.  He does get a flouride supplement since we have well water.

    I don't think it would hurt anytihing if you gave your daughter a standard kid's multivitamin.  All excess vitamins besides A, D, E and K (the fat-soluble vitamins) will just get flushed right out of her.

  6. It certainly couldn't hurt!  I make sure my children get plenty of rest.. Wash their hands often and get a good balanced meals... My children are toddlers but, they are very, very healthy.

    good luck

  7. yes!

  8. If she eats a healthy diet with fruit and vegetables of all colours (I notice both those you mention are orange) all you are doing with vitamins is giving her expensive pee. The body simply flushes out excess vitamins - being deficient makes you more likely to get sick, but having extra doesn't make you less likely.

    Small children starting school, playgroup etc. for the first time do get a lot of colds, because they don't have antibodies to them yet. There's not a whole lot you can do about it.

    To answer your question - I have two kids age 9 and 12 and I don't give them vitamins.

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