
Do you give your wife/gf the brushoff if she initiates s*x while you're watching football?

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Last night there were 3 college football games on and I think maybe a couple pro games. My husband and I were snuggled up together watching the game and I started to kiss his neck. He said "Honey the game is on, not now"

It irked me. Is this normal?




  1. Dont worry..Its normal honey

    finally I started hating sports....nothing else changed.

  2. YEP!! football is more important then women, to men...sorry, but get used to it.

  3. Uhhhhh thats a man for you....

  4. For goodness sakes girl, it's the FIRST NIGHT of College Football in 8 months!

    Try it again in week 4 and he'll be rarin' to go.

    Yes, it's normal.

  5. uh...yes...real football fans need those 3 hours to need to give him that...just like he needs to give you your space....with something you love to do.;..lets say its shopping and you are finding a bunch of great deals and he calls you in the middle of it to come home so you guys can have s* would probably say no too

  6. Yes. Same thing happened to me last night. It is football season. There goes all the romance.

  7. ...and so the season has started. Is it that time already? I could shake both naked double d's at the ol man and he will tell me to move it, it's 4th and goal...

  8. I'd be pissed.

  9. I've never done that to a girl friend or with the one you love are better than any game on tv.

  10. Look, there are some times in our lives that s*x is def not gonna happen...and he just has to deal with it.  He loves his football, let him have peace while he is watching his game.  I thinks its pretty selfish to attack him with the goods while the game is on.  Just get him after the game..

  11. its like when we are on  a shopping spree if they try to be romantic..we feel its not the right time.. same way....

  12. You can't interrupt a guy when he' watching a sporting event..period. It's is just a way to feed your insecurities as to whether or not he "really loves you".  The rejection, (the way women usually interpret it) is just another way for you to pick or instigate a fight. It's so pointless, let the man enjoy his time in front of the tv, and as long as he's pickin' up the slack in other areas is it really that big a deal?????

  13. Not for me I would do anything if my spouse did that. I don't care what i am doing at the time

  14. I love football and I am a woman. Doesn't matter what a person is involved in or watching. If they are really into it, they are probably not gonna be in the mood at the moment. Don't take it personally. Doesn't mean he loves football more than you.

  15. Only if I could get my wife to initiate, then I could answer your question.  

  16. Not normal...the games last like two hours +.  He will have plenty of time to catch the second half! LOL

  17. It is normal for men...But for me I also dont want to bothered during football...So my b/f and I get along great during the games...

  18. Ok so I have this joke that  love to tell guys.

    What's a man's idea of heaven?

    A beer, a bj, and a football game.

    If you are watching your favorite tv show would you want your hubby to start kissing on you. Wait for a commercial or after the game. I must admit that it really pisses me off when my hubby tells me know, but then again, it's only once or twice a year. And yes I count.  

  19. What an idiot.

    No that's not normal. But then again, I am not a sports nut at all. There isn't a show in the world that would make want to turn down my wife.

    again, what a moron.  

  20. I think it is normal, my hubby might do the same thing.  It does make you feel bad when you can't seduce your hubby...I bet you could have gotten him to change his mind if you had tried harder.  

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