
Do you global warming believers see now that the earth goes through warming and cooling stages..?

by Guest34204  |  earlier

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that don't necessarily have anything to do with mans' burning fossil fuels?

This article is about the retreat of a glacier and the uncovering of evidence there was human activity in the Swiss alps 5000 years ago. That must mean that there was warmer period than now 5000 years ago before SUVs, Al Gore and "global warming"!




  1. OK let's say that there is no global warming.  Even then, should we not shoulder the resposibility of becoming environmetally concious?  There are various ways to lessen our impact on the Earth without having to sacrifice our standards of living.  So please don't consume and overuse just because you can.  Think about what the longterm effects could be.  Because we don't own the Earth, we are leasing it for our children.

  2. im not really worried about global warming,if it is true, the earth will survive just like always and humans will adapt (because that is what humans do)to it and also find a way for the animals to get adapted if they are in danger, with out them we will die so we will find a way to help them

  3. "NAH...NAH...NAH...NAH", their not listening. That is what AGW crazies do every time any evidence comes out which does not support their agenda (just about every "non-model" driven report).

    Cooling, what cooling? You're talking crazy again. let's see, activity. Earth cools largest single drop ever measured....Nope, no correlation. Must have something to do with those polluting b******s in the USA. They are the ones causing sulfates which is lowering temps when they should be raising.

    I think what Dana is suggesting is the previous settlers buried under the glacier, set up camp. Stayed for 1 or 2 months then left the camp to be covered up.

    Seriously Dana, what the h**l are you talking about? What this shows is that the glaciers have been much less than current times, and still no end of earth.

  4. Yes, although this is extremely more dramatic. What my theory is, since we're putting in a ton of CO2, there will be many plants, then many humans, etc. Because of this, I believe that the cycle will get more and more dramatic.

  5. They have known this all along.  But they ignore it because it isn't financially profitable to them, nor does it further their socialist agendas.

  6. I'd worry more about Iran,N.Korea, and der nukes.  they get 'em they gonna test 'em, and guess on who?  I hate 2 b the "prophet of doom". but global warming ain't gonna happen overnight.  like van halen said, don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow may never come

  7. What are your scientific qualifications?  Do you think that the work of thousands of high-level scientists can be disproved in one stroke by an article published on Yahoo news?

  8. ok.. i really care with the world. and if you guys want to stay alive.

    please take care our earth. because, global warming are true. it's already here in the world. if you guys don't care about this, you will see what are your children will be in the next generation. you guys can't even adaptate with this world later. it will be so hot, burning, not like now. if now you want a tan skin, later you will be black, and you can't even make your body beautiful anymore. you can't feel the wind comes, and maybe all of us have to wear a metal dress with an oxygen inside that, so you could breath. you cant dress like you dress right now, wear make up and something like that, YOU CAN'T!! you want be like that?? cause i don't want to.

    you will see USA will be like sahara or africa, or desert, really..

    you can't even see green things in this world..

    and you can't see that cute little penguin out there.. maybe some island will drowning because the ice in the pole was melting..

    no place left for men to live, and you know what?? you'll dying..

  9. There may be have been human activity in the Swiss alps 5000 years ago -- but today we have carbon emissions, millions of inhabitants on our planet, tons of garbage emiting gases, and ignorant people who do not accept the fact that global warming is real.  Get your head out of the sand before it is too late.

  10. That is a giant 'no duh' statement.  Of course man-made global warming proponents and climate scientists know there are natural climate cycles.  That's what paleoclimatologists study!

    What your link shows is that 5,000 the local temperature in the Swiss Alps may have been as warm as the current local temperature in the Swiss Alps.  It does not say anything about global temperatures either now or 5,000 years ago.

    Please take some time to study the science behind global warming (the link below is a good start), and learn the difference between weather and climate.

  11. okay, what is wrong with you people?! ofcourse global warming is real!! although it's true that the earth goes through heating and cooling stages, that doesn't mean that it's not real! for example, carbon dioxide is one of the major heat-trapping gases, and that is what's produced when fossil fuels are burned! then, all of that carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. then, the sun warms the earth, and the carbon dioxide traps the sun's heat!!! it makes perfect, scientific, logical sense!!! the earth going through cycles has NOTHING to do with GLOBAL WARMING!!!! there is no relation you idiot!!!!! look it up on any decent website!!!!  

  12. yes that's common knowledge but the magnitude of the warming is what is the issue, and is almost certainly caused by man. Do you actually know the difference between global warming and the greenhouse affect?


    The above link includes the Sargasso Sea proxie data.  This data certainly indicates it was much warmer 3,000 years ago.  I looked for a longer period graph but couldn't find it.   I thought I remembered seeing it indicated relatively warm periods up to 6000 years ago.  

    This link shows greenland temperatures for longer time interval

    though obviously from a site that doesn't support alarmist positions

    Was that batman or Ugg the caveman.

  14. "global warming believers"  have always known  "that the earth goes through warming and cooling stages."

    the problem is that you seem to think that for some result, there can only be one cause.

    that's what i don't understand.

    why would someone think that just because your daddy died of cancer, you needn't worry about walking across a busy street, because people die of cancer, not by being hit by cars.

    you and i and everyone else here depends on the climate that exists today.

    clearly it's been warmer and cooler in the past.

    that's not in dispute.

    what is in dispute is, how will 7 billion people have enough food and water, with the expected changes that have already started in many places around the world?

    keep in mind, that if the whole world decided that there really is a problem, and stopped using coal and oil and natural gas today, instantly, the world would continue warming for another 50-100 years.

    this is a real problem for people who are unable to see, and plan for, their needs next year.

    keep in mind, in the US, the average annual savings is negative.

    people are pulling money out of savings and spending it.

    this should remind you of the old story of the grasshopper and the ants.

    and we're the grasshopper.

    big time.

    even oil industry supporter bush says there's a problem.

    and what we need to do is figure out how to address it and make a profit doing that.

    however, expecting a culture of people who expect tax cuts, to be paid for by deficits, that have to be paid by their own children, is a problem.

    i mean, if you insist on stealing from your children, there's no way we can expect you to care at all about their future.

    pretty sad commentary on the state of the people in the USA today.

  15. 'Global warming' for want of a better phrase is not a cult or a religion!! It is very, very real and it is here NOW !! For those of you who can remember far enough back, think of what the climate was like when you were a kid going to school, remember the stories your parents told you of when they were young. Perhaps the world's population was only 1 billion. Now there a 6 times as many and then some. If half of them drive cars- emissions. CO2 is commonly mentioned, what about CO and NOx's? What about all the coal fired power stations producing SO2 mixed with a little atmospheric water producing your famous acid rain? Some years ago there was acid rain in England recorded at ph3, oh yes the equivalent of lemon juice!! If some of you seem to be lost in the time-line of things, the changes that took place in ancient times lasted for 1000's or 10 000's of years. Now we are talking about decades, maybe!! In 1989 I did an extensive study on an aquarium's biology. My findings taught me a lot about what's going on today, ie. every little change I made, everything I added no matter how insignificant had an effect that could be measured and graphed.

    The WORLD is our AQUARIUM. Everything WE do has an effect. But most importantly-- 'THE MISTAKES WE MAKE TODAY OUR CHILDREN PAY FOR TOMORROW ' !! So for those of us who do the best we can to help our world and so our future,- good on you-. For the rest,-just keep your head in the sand and believe what-ever you want, at least you are out of our way when we do our job !!!

  16. Yes, I know there have been both colder and warmer periods during history, I've also seen a lot of research that during the warmer periods there was a high level of CO2 in the air. Some studies of ice from thousands of years ago suggest there have been other points in history that we had elevated CO2, likely from volcanic activity.

    My concern is less about climate and more about air quality and pollution. One side will be right and the other wrong, what we do to change our behavior will determin how we will adapt if Global Warming predictions are even partially correct.

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