
Do you go black friday shopping?

by Guest56309  |  earlier

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and how far ahead do you plan?




  1. nope

  2. Yes, but the reason for doing so varies. I usually start trying to figure out what I want to give for X-mas gifts at the end of August so that I can be on the lookout for great deals and sales. If I am aware of a particular item or items that I planned to buy anyway and which is going for a great discount, I will face the crowds and  keep my fingers crossed at getting the item, which has worked thus far. One  year I was completely done with my x-mas shopping by the end of October. I had saved a bunch of money and had lots of free time to relax, and wanted to treat myself. I actually enjoy hitting the stores so I went just for fun and to find some bargains on clothes I planned to buy anyway. I think where people go wrong is just running in and grabbing randomly or not having a list - it is too easy to forget things or add things and spend way more.

  3. I'm in highschool, but my mom has taken me a couple of times.

    I think it is in November, depending where you live.  We would just wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning and line up at the store to get in.

  4. no i don't.  it's too crazy out there.

  5. Are you all ready planning?

    I usually go, because I like to be a jerk, it is like a mosh-pit!  

  6. We have, when we had only two kids.  They were teens.  We have since had twins, so it is hard to take very small children with you, that early.  We may start again soon.  I do always make sure I look at the Walmart ad to see if there's anything worth fighting for.  

  7. i did go once but the price was somewhat the same. not a BIG difference.

    no point on having a 'black friday'

  8. no i do not.  i value my life

  9. I'm planning right now and I'm not even in the country. Electronic stuff, it's the best after Thanksgiving!

  10. no,

    i don't even remember when it is. :)

    but most people plan a week ahead.

    answer mine?;...

  11. sometimes.

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