
Do you go for their body, mind, or heart? And what are your zodiac signs?

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Well I guess this can go two pick ONE.... or do both :D


1) When your fighting (((Put Sun, Moon, and Mars signs here)))

>>Do you hurt people emotionally, mentally (verbal way), or physically?


2) When your falling love (((Put Sun, Moon, and Venus signs here)))

>>Do you find attraction on an emotional, mental, or physical level?

Or all 3 in either case?

Put the signs as needed.

Thank you :D :D :D




  1. 1) When arguing or fighting I tend to hurt emotionally and/or verbally. I'm not into violence but the one time I did get into a fight I beat some So I know I can hold my own in that department but I'd rather not waste energy on doing that.

    (Aquarius Sun, Virgo Moon, Aquarius Mars)

    2) When falling in love, it's a person's mind that gets me to that point. Their emotions of course play a part too because I could never let a cold or selfish person into my heart. I've NEVER fallen in love with anyone based on their looks.

    (Venus in Capricorn)

  2. Well here goes..


    >>mentally or physically.


    >>all 3 :)

  3. 1) verbally emotionally because they hurt me



  4. Well, it takes a lot to get me to engage in an argument with someone.  I'm Cancer, Scorpio moon, Virgo in Mars I go after people verbally. I do not believe in physical violence unless it is to defend myself. This doesn't mean that I won't throw stuff at someone, but I won't reach out to strike them unless they hit first.

    When falling in love It's a combination of all three that draws me in. Mostly though, it's the mental level that really gets to me initially....then my emotions become engaged, and then comes the physical.  

    Sun in Cancer, Scorpio Moon, Venus in Cancer

  5. 1.) I hurt them anyway I depends on the situation.I will say this from experience though... You can do more damage with words though...( ;  (Sun in Cancer, Moon in Cancer, Mars in Capricorn)

    2).It's mostly physical first...then mental, emotional takes some time.

    ( Sun in Cancer, Moon in Cancer, Venus in Leo)

  6. I will answer both of the questions. : )

    1. I do all three. It really depends on the situation though. I am definitely a verbal fighter, and can command some words that will make you cringe in fright, but I am a master emotional manipulator, particularly with those close to me. When I use that as my weapon, my own heart is probably strongly involved. I can be physical as well, though I'm not very strong. I have been known to grab at people's throats, use my heels to stab their feet, and dig my nails into their arms. I have hit, pushed people into walls, and have knocked down people that are smaller than I am.

    Sun: Libra, Moon: Cancer, Mars: Libra---Conjunct to Sun/Ascendant, Square Moon.

    2. I go for their mind and heart. I couldn't care less about their body, that does not provide the love and mental stimulation I need. Actually, if I were to pick the one that is strongest, I would say the emotional connection. For me, love is not something that can be analyzed or explained. It's an intense feeling that floods your senses and clouds all rationality. I may initially be attracted to someone's mind, but the connection and chemistry we feel in our hearts is what keeps me going.

    Sun: Libra, Moon: Cancer, Venus: Sagittarius

  7. 1- Verbally and physically

    2- All 3

    Sun : Taurus

    Moon : Leo

    Mars : Gemini

    Venus: Aries

  8. it all depends.

    I might be in class and not notice a guy right away because of his physical appearance (body), then he's got my attention because of his mind.

    I might be at a football game and notice a guy because of his body, but lose interest because of his mind.

    usually it's...


    then mind

    but sometimes they might be funny and intelligent and have no loyalty which is a turn off to me.

    they have to have the perfect balance of all that's hard to find.

  9. 1. When I'm fighting, I go for the emotions (guilt trips!!).

    Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Pisces Mars

    2. When I'm falling in love, I'm attracted first to a meeting of the minds, then emotions.

    Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Aquarius Venus.

    Interesting and revealing question! I just learned something about myself.

  10. body and heart,

    if they have a good hearat and a bad body i just

    dont feal attracted sounds verry mean but true i still will like to hangout with them ... and if they had a good bady and no heart i dont think it will work, but okayy body and good heart WORKS ..DING DING DING,we have a winnerrr jkkk

  11. 1. I hurt people physically,and if it's a girl,mentally.

    ( Sun in Taurus,Moon in Aries,Leo in Mars

    2.All three, and i don't know my Venus.

  12. When I fight someone I usually go the mental route first, if that doesn't work I go for emotions. I will fight as a last resort.

    Sun:virgo, Moon:leo, Mars:Virgo

    In love I go for mental, it's mostly mental for me. and then physical second. I'm not very emotional.


  13. 1.I prefer mentally. Nothing like s******g around with your enemies mind and watching them squirm. >=]

    Virgo sun/Taurus moon/Scorpio rising/Libra mars

    2.Emotionally and mentally.I want someone who I can dedicate myself to and receive the same amount of dedication back. Plus I want someone who I can talk to for hour and be able to share my opinions with. I could'nt really care about looks to be honest....If the guys cute well then, thats just a bonus. =]

    Virgo sun/Taurus moon/Scorpio rising/Leo venus

  14. 1)  I hurt them verbally by pointing out every flaw in their logic and their way of thinking.

    2)  all 3.  I fall in love with everything about my man


  15. 1) mental(libra sun, aqua moon, scorp mars)

    2) i dont(virgo venus)


  16. Mentally and emotionally.

    I don't hit people,that's stupid!

    I don't curse people or anything,I just use my words to hurt them emotionally.

    I don't like hurting people,but usually if they really tried hurting me or embarrassed me in public then I will give it all I've got,and they shut up ;D

    2.In this order - Physical,mental and emotional.

    I would never date an ugly guy.

    No offense.

  17. i tell them like it is so  the truth may hurt. 2 i either fall unconditionally or not at all, 3,,attraction  well it is or it isnt,. use feelings. on that one.  

  18. 1. hmm...when fighting i can be quite hateful with words I usually never take it to a physical level though (not a fighter though I try to avoid fights)




    2. for the most part I'am drawn by their appearance but once I know you if you have an ugly personality it really doesn't matter how good looking you are....and If someone has a really great personality and are not very attractive.I can actually fall for them based on that, so looks are not everything!

    I really like someone that is intelligent and that will keep me interested!:) bc I do tend to get bored!:)




  19. 1. all of the above

    2. mental

    aquarius w/ leo rising

  20. Sun - Sagittarius

    Moon - Scorpio

    Mars - Scorpio

    Venus - Capricorn

    1) When I'm fighting, I go for the mental hurt. I try to reason things out and appeal to logic (or find the holes in their logic). If I feel especially angry, I may attempt to mentally belittle my enemy--make them look and feel stupid. Especially since that's what would hurt me the most. But that's uncommon because I hate confrontations. On extremely rare occasions, I'll go for the emotional hit, but it takes a heck of a lot to p**s me off to that degree.

    2) When I'm falling in love, I am always, always, always attracted to the intellect. Big brains are s**y. Physical* comes next, followed by emotions. Personality is also very important.

    *And generally, an intellectual man is attractive to me no matter his body type. When I say physical, I mean sexual chemistry, not looks.

  21. Well I guess this can go two pick ONE.... or do both :D


    1) When your fighting (((Put Sun, Moon, and Mars signs here)))

    >>Do you hurt people emotionally, mentally (verbal way), or physically?

    ------>Hurt emotionally, go straight for the emotions..


    ------>Cancer sun

    ------>Leo moon and mars

    2) When your falling love (((Put Sun, Moon, and Venus signs here)))

    >>Do you find attraction on an emotional, mental, or physical level?

    Or all 3 in either case?

    Put the signs as needed.

    ------>Well, firstly I find attraction on a physical level usually, or at least what I think is physical and then later find out it's actually an emotional Sometimes I don't find the person that attractive initially and then after I get to know them (emotional level) I find them s**y. Usually, the mental level attraction has to go with the emotional attraction or else I feel bored and not stimulated enough. However, if there's an emotional attraction but not a mental one, I'd much rather stay as friends because believe it or not it's the mental realm that's s**y to their opinions and the way they talk and their sense of humor and stuff. Truly s**y stuff!!

    If we truly connect on an emotional and mental level, I'm sure I will find them to be s**y no matter how they look. BUT BOTH have to be there for that to happen. Like, BOTH.

    Strangely, I know a gemini guy who I connect really well with both emotionally and mentally, AND physically too...but he withdraws a lot emotionally and sometimes he acts annoyed like a child, so I don't see him as s**y anymore =P...only like a child.

    Cancer sun

    Leo moon, mars, and venus

    Libra rising (on the cusp of Scorpio/Libra)

    Gemini jupiter

    Capricorn saturn, neptune, and uranus

    Scorpio pluto

    Aquarius north node

    Cancer midheaven

    Stellium in 3rd (with sag on it) and 10th (with cancer on it) houses

    Pluto in the first house

    My name (Mabel), according to is of the element air, is ruled by mercury, and gives me attributes most like the sign of Gemini.

    Also, some extra tidbits:

    my chart is a see-saw shape so I try to balance things like a libra would, in addition to my libra rising.

    I also have the least of air, earth, and mutable signs. But, my stellium in the 10th (ruled by cap) makes up for the deficiency in earth, and my stellium in the 3rd (ruled by Gemini) makes up for my deficiency in mutable, while that 3rd stellium, my node in aquarius, and libra rising make up for the deficiency in air.

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