
Do you go "green"? Are you trying to help the environment?

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I am trying, but I know a few people that could care less. One told me, " I won't be here to suffer the consequences".




  1. yes, but white more. white reflects the suns heat and rays back so the ice doesnt melt as fast and as much

  2. Going green for big companys is expensive. But for everyday life. Every little bit helps. I will be honest though. It is messed up enough that it cant be fixed. But at least we can slow it down.

  3. I try to, and do what we can.

    I bike commute, use the clothesline instead of the dryer virtually all the time, buy local and organic, recycle, freecycle, buy secondhand when possible, turn off lights, keep the heat low, avoid soaps with antibacterial properties, use natural cleaners like baking soda and vinegar, and collect rainwater to water our garden - which is mostly natives.  Whenever I have a choice and it is feasible my family and I go green.

  4. No, I live "normal."   And I am stocking up on incandescent light bulbs.

  5. I am work of it,but i think w/ the help others.and i per sue the care less of the community by using the environment.

  6. Not yet.  I would like to.  But it does bother me that people could care less.  There is one restaurant that uses only paper bags and aluminum foil to serve customers even when people eat in.  They don't use trays, plates, etc.  Just imagine the trash they create for the landfill.

  7. I use energy efficiant light bulb in my whole house.

  8. Yes... I hope so...I try to do my bit....

    "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

    --- Native American saying

  9. yes i go green. i kind of go for the environment. we humans like to destroy the environment. so it is our job to help save it.

  10. people like that deserve to burn.i do my small part by conserving energy. using energy efficient bulbs and trying not to rely on my car so much. if we all do a little it will add up to an enormous amount.

  11. is stupid how people don't care but global warming is happening right now !! so yes i do go green! everyone should start doing it!  is the best for the environment and our society now and in the future.....

    go green people .... =]



  12. Not really.. I recycle when I can and carpool sometimes.. but basically I think we have the right to use the environment as much as we want!  People are nature too...

  13. Bed sheets. The answer is white bed sheets. Take them out into the yard and cover every square inch of it. They will reflect the sunlight back and since they are porous they won't affect the grass underneath. This won't help much, but it will give you the "feel good" feeling that people are getting from some of the other stupid ideas that get posted.

    No, I am not "going green", but I do try not to waste what I have.

  14. Yep! And those who think they won't be here to suffer the consequences are wrong because the consequences are happening right now! Droughts, hurricaines, floods, air and water pollution, higher cancer rates, increasing food prices, wars over the remaining fossil fuels, affect our lives now. People like to stay ignorant so they don't have to change their lifestyles.

    To the guy who said for a company to go green it's expensive: companies around the world are finding that it's CHEAPER to go green. There is perhaps initially higher expenses but they pay off in the long term and then start saving money eg. solar panels, buying longer-lasting well built materials you don't have to keep replacing, energy efficient design to save on power bills, water efficient measures to save on water bills...etc.

    To the person who said 'we are nature too, and have the right to use it' we are not using nature SUSTAINABLY, and if everyone in the world lived like your average American we would need 4 planet earths to support us, and by IGNORING the problem we create BIGGER problems: wars, food shortages, sea level rises, refugees etc.

    Some stuff I do:

    ride a bike (i don't have a car)

    energy efficient light globes, no dryer, no air conditioner, source our electricity from Green Power.

    growing my own food and when i buy food buying organic and locally produced

    trying to stick to buying what i need so i have spare money to buy things like solar panels

    i have a worm farm and compost for my organic waste

    i never buy new wrapping paper, pads of paper, envelopes etc, just reuse paper that's lying around (old envelopes, magazines, blank on one side paper) for these purposes.


    Please visit this site :)

  16. No I know its bad but when u live in da NYC no one really cares a squat about "green" i dont know a thing a bout recycling or any of that stuff

    but then again

    i wont be here to suffer the consequences

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