
Do you go to a doctor for check up after a minor car accident like a rear end collission?

by  |  earlier

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I had a car accident last saturday. I was being rear-ended. It was a very minor accident, just a fender bender. But I think my neck is feeling uncomfortable like if I watch TV. It's not pain it's more of like "uncomfortable feeling".




  1. They (DR) were useless  but yea i went - I even took my baby - I was freaked to heck & no one took it seriously - cop was awful -  (totaled my car - crushed it - frightened my baby -) I got no apology -

    Here I sit $3,000 in the hole over this ordeal.  

    Now I fight & wait for money - almost 6 weeks ago we agreed upon a price for my car & I wait & wait & the waitin's goin' strong - some year I'll get my $ outta them..... My attorney is workin' over time on this one - And here I sit, poor victim can't do anything -

    And my attorney says it'll take longer to get pain & suffering $ out of them - maybe that'll be another decade from now?  and I"m getting next to nothing for my car, as it is..and they don't wanna let me have THAT

    Sorry it happened to you -

  2. If you were not in a collision and had neck pain, would you go to the DR?  Look at it that way.  Depending on the coverage you have under your auto policy, your carrier may pay for the bill.  As you were not at fault for the loss, if you go to the Dr., you can present all medical bills to the other Insurance co for consideration.

  3. You THINK your neck is uncomfortable?  How do you not know whether or not you are in pain?

    Its up to you to decide if you need medical treatment. The longer you wait to go the harder it will be to correlate the injuries being claimed as being a result of the accident.

    If you have Medical Payments on your policy, medical bills will be covered up to the limit show on your declarations page.

    If  you are making a 3rd party claim w/ the at fault carrier, you have to call them to find out the procedures for their company.  Note that they will NOT be paying your bills for you, and not all may be considered.

  4. We cannot provide you with medical advice, but if you feel that you need to go to the doctor, go.  What you are feeling sounds like a strain which is usually minor and will resolve on its own.  

    YOU can only decide if you need medical attention.  I have been involved in several rearend accidents.  I felt minor pain for a couple of days and it went away.  No doctor needed for me, but that is me.

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