
Do you go to restaurants alone ?

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I allways feel awkward going to restraints alone.... how can i do this and not feel so weird about it ?




  1. I hate going out to eat by myself. I always try to invite somebody or hope to see a friend there.

  2. only at mcdonalds. There's lots of depressed people that eat alone in there

  3. Just bring something along to do.........and people arent looking around for people who are alone unless they want to find someone to talk you dont have to feel weird at all!!!!

  4. If you are old enough eat at the bar. You never know maybe you'll meet someone?

  5. what are you really worried about?  if someone has nothing better to do, than find something about you to have a problem with, then what does that say about them?  find yourself, get comfortable with that person, and live it up!!! the bar is a good idea, there are great people out there sitting at bars eating by themselves.  interesting people, if nothing else.  and the service is almost always better at the bar!

  6. i have before, people look at you funny so i'll grab my cell phone and call someone up for the h**l of it while im waiting for my food lol.

    its really awkward to go get coffee by yourself. i wonder what the people that are watching you are thinking about!

    take a book or crossword puzzle or something with you to get your mind off of it!

  7. I had to do it so much on business trips that it doesn't bother me anymore. Sometimes I take a book or magazine, and when it was business related, I always had paperwork. But if I don't feel like cooking and the boyfriend or one of my other friends isn't available, i just say 'to h**l with it" and go. People look at you, but I tell myself it's cuz they admire my courage & self-confidence. It's not everyone who's comfortable enough with themselves that they can go out in public alone.

  8. i do all the time. Talk to people, make friends with the bartender or waitress. I mean how many times does the waitress and the table (customer) make fun of other people?

  9. I do, and I enjoy it very much, tho at first I felt awkward.  Start out by going to a restaurant that has a 'lunch counter' within it.

    Most everyone seated there is alone, too.  Doesn't feel weird at all.  Next, go to a place with a booth, and take a newspaper or magazine with you to read when you're not actually eating.

    It's kinda nice to eat alone sometimes; you get to enjoy the food a bit more, cuz you don't have anyone distracting you.  I also enjoy people-watching a lot, which is hard to do when you have someone opposite you jabbering away :)

  10. no

  11. bring a book or something to do, if you're just sitting there i can see how it can def be weird. i work in a restaurant and ppl come in all the time alone and we don't think anything of it other than 'oh, a party on 1.'

    so bring your own entertainment. also, if the place has a bar, sit in it. it will most  likely have a tv and a stack of newspaper.

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