
Do you go to the horse races?

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My coworker likes to visit the horses before a race, and see how they're looking. He likes to see the look in their eyes! Now I want to go to the races! What should I know before going? What should I do beside sit down and watch?




  1. What your co-worker does, katydint, takes a trained eye for horses. Some people who work with horses, trainers and groomers for instance, can pick a horse to bet on by observing them. Most people can't do it. I've been handicapping for 15 years, and I can't do the observation thing.

    Horse racing is a fun and exciting sport. When you go to the track for the first time, either someone you go with can show you how to bet, or the track will gladly give you materials on how to bet. (You can also find "How to bet on horse races" on many websites.) Then buy a Daily Racing Form. Open to where the races are listed for the race track. In the first few pages of that section there will be selections from handicappers. Pick from the choices they make until you get more comfortable with picking horses on your own. Also buy the track's program. They will also give you their top choices for each race. The program will also give you betting tips and instructions.  

    That should get you started...

  2. I always go to the races because my family breeds and trains race horses. Its not as glamorous as ppl think racing is. There are alot of unpleasant things that happen.

  3. Ive been around racetracks as a bettor for 30 years...a number of my friends own horses and train horses of different kinds...thoroughbreds, harness (cal expo in Sacramento ca. a cool bunch of owner/trainer/drivers)  , and one guy even owned a champion racing mule along with a number of tbs and harness horses... for a long time I would hang around the track from 7a (workouts at Del Mar) until the last simulcasts from Australia and hong kong (1 to 2am)...yep, a real track junkie... I love to bet races and watch horses run... and sometimes when I dont go to the  track, I read the drf (the horseplayers bible) and follow the results or watch the replays... I suggest you go with someone who knows their way around...pick up a form and have someone explain it to you as you watch races thru the day...go down to the paddock and watch the horses saddle and warm up...and bring a little money to bet 2$ win place bets to keep your interest high... good luck! (if there's a grass race, bet a couple of bucks on the grey horse, or bet the one with a red shadow roll)

  4. not really but you can fill your boots with capricio 2.30 lingfield.

  5. I think horse races are boring wats the whole point they just run

  6. Buy and read The Daily Racing  program

  7. No

  8. get the racing form for that day and ask questions about the different races that are happening that day. It is alot of fun

  9. ilove going horses racing we have our owe racing horses at home

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