
Do you go to your allotment or work in your garden if it's raining?

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I only have a few hours each week when I can garden, but is there any point when it's squally weather?




  1. I would say only if you can still enjoy it, and if it is necessary. Not only isn`t it much fun gardening in the rain, it`s also extraordinarily messy and uncomfortable  - everything is wringing wet, and you are walking in mud (and making a mess of the soil too).

    But having said all that, don`t curse the rain  - it`s great for your crops!

  2. It rains a lot where I am, so I now have a poly tunnel.

    Personally, I wouldn't work in the garden if it's isn't enjoyable getting wet for a few shrubs and flowers.

  3. when you are gardening you should be doing it for your own enjoment, so if you enjoy it just get a really good rain coat and brave it out. i think that the garden is more beauty, the allotment is vegetables so which means the most to you?

  4. i love gardening but i'm afraid i'm a fairweather gardener, i guess you're talking about our uk weather? it's really depressing at the moment which is why i'm on here but if the sun does! come out i'll be out there.

    have you got a shed on your allotment! you could always have a 'nice cup of tea' in between showers.

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