
Do you got a little demon in you?

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Do you got a little demon in you?




  1. Who doesn't?  And several times, i allow it to have the upper hand!

  2. Yep.

    Sometimes he gets big.

    He looks like a man in the form of a bat...sometimes he has a beer in his hand

  3. yes and somethimes it is not little

  4. Apa class little... I got a big one inside me...Bapak demon inside me...  ]=p

  5. no, because this month is puasa month, where all demons kena ikat..

  6. 'never on a sunday' (but twice on a tuesday)

  7. I'm always a DareDevil.

  8. No little demon ... no medium demon ... no big demon .... no giant demon .... semua tiada ... lol

  9. yeah! but there are times that the little demon inside me becomes big!

    i can be very demonic especially when i have enemies or whenever i see my ex-bf =p

    nyahaha (evil laugh)  ^_^

  10. Not really demon but impishness.  

    Naughty but harmless pranks I do to friends.

  11. Yes! And I'm a little demon to my friends too!

  12. Oh yesssss....  hahahaa...

    In fact it's not hepi_dva who is typing this answer...  

    -----> It's her little demon :)  


  13. I am too meek to answer that...

  14. yes... little cute demon...

    i oso hv diamond in me....

  15. She answered you... hepi now ? *wink* *wink*

  16. Yeah, the lil one. the one that i can control.

  17. yes, but i just have to control him. besides, demons were once angels; so teaching my inner demon to behave properly will just reveal his angelic previous state.

  18. no but i am Red Devil ....

  19. not a little 1,is the big one


  20. yes..yes..

    who doesn't?

  21. eveeryone also got not only me

  22. Yes! And it's always up to no good...*wink* *wink*

  23. oh ?! is it?!

  24. Each person has his own demons. There's a little one in me as well. But first, define "little"

  25. times times BIG....; P

  26. yea, she sit right next to me..

    PEACE =D

  27. my little demon gave birth already so i got a demon and his kid...(thank god that his kid doesnt have a pet-demon sum more..)

  28. ^

    nope nope...

    i have a little angel in me...

    not sure of the gender yet though...

    gotta wait for my next prenatal check up!

  29. No. Myself is already a demon, so i have reserved a small space inside for angels..

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