
Do you guys agree that sooner or later only the rich will be able to drive because of gas prices?

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Do you guys agree that sooner or later only the rich will be able to drive because of gas prices?




  1. Possibly, but i have another idea.

    My Mum isn't mega rich, she earn enough though.

    She also owns a four wheel drive which her company pays EVERYTHING for.

    So, as long as she works at this company she gets free phone bills, internet and gas =].

    Gas prices are phemnomenal though, but because england is in recession i think, the price of everything else is going down, but petrol is going up.

    This may even it out slightly.

    =] Xx

  2. yup.

  3. Its entirely possible. Expanding populations and depleting resources make prices go up, not down.

    Given the American lifestyle, we're still in the complaining, uncomfortable spot. When it reaches the boiling point, such extreme demand for a solution will bring hybrids or types of efficient cars into play as an affordable alternative.

    For now, just keep bracing for the future. Every news source out there is saying that gas prices now are about as low as they're ever going to be this summer... enjoy it while it lasts.

  4. Sure.  Only the rich and cyclists.  I can't wait to have the roads all to myself.  They belong to me and my brethren anyway.   You all need a license to use them...

    People who walk, run, ride a bicycle or a horse do not.  Driving on American roads (freeways being the exception) is a priveledge for motorists whereas for the rest of us - it's a right.

  5. No I do not agree.  If the price of gas was so high that a very small percentage of the population could afford the price of gas, the World's economy will have collapsed.  I am talking beyond a depression.  Lets use a figure of $20 per gallon.  How many people would be able to go to work, provided the job is still there?  By the time gas reached such beyond belief heights, the vast majority of people still employed would only buy what they NEED.  The big ticket industries, auto, housing, appliances, travel, restaurants, entertainment, gaming, and the airlines would be out of business.  All the industries that exist to provide products and services to the big ticket industries would be out of business.  The numbers unemployed would be huge.  Industries in China would shut down by the thousands.  Tax revenue would dry up to a trickle.

    No, I do not think gas will get that high.  We are seeing the impact of high gas prices and it is not good.  How many people have cut back on their driving raise your hand.  That many.  The Federal and State governments are seeing a reduction in tax revenue due to people buying less fuel and consumer goods.

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