
Do you guys assume that people who play in league can't play?

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Those of you who don't do league, I mean. Do you think there are no great players who play in league?




  1. I probably assume they can't because if they could they would be making money instead of fooling around with league.  That said I prob think farm clubs in baseball players can't play or they would be in the big show, but where do the next greats come from?

    In the local leagues here I can beat the stuffing outta 95%, should beat 4% more but might have to think a little about the other 1%. In other words about the same as when I play in most clubs.  League players fall into 3 cat. to me 1 those coming up 2 those going down 3 those who just enjoy the game and have no intention of chasing games all over the country.

    All that said the question was do I ASSUME league players can't play.  Yes I assume they can't but I have been wrong in that regard a few times and have the lost wages to prove it.



    ps just for Lea:  If only everyone could be like Earl     (barking, gagging)  lol

  2. I do not know of any great player that would waist his time playing in leagues, unless he has not in his collection one of those trophies, that you get. and don't forget, the great money, he may win at the end of the season.

    If this guy let's say is a shark, and is trying to hustle these guys in leagues, i still would not think he is a good player, because he doesn't play top players.

    He plays for lunch money, if he is hustling these guys, Then his pinky should be broken as a reminder, like the trophy he may get

    .EDIT-those guys you mentioned may be grate, but not GREAT.

    EDIT- He is asking if there are GREAT players in a league!,

    I have seen many good players but not great players, maybe, one here and there.

  3. I don't mean to be rude Mellissa but why would anyone assume that? I suppose there are some out there though. The whole idea of pool league , as I see it, is for people to get together , relax , unwind , have some fun and enjoy the game they like to play. It's got nothing to do with money. If people think their gonna win a load of cash playing in a pool league , well  I've got some land in Florida I'd like to sell them. Pool league has nothing to do with being great either. Thats why they have a handicap system, so that everyone can play regardless of their ability. I'll admit the systems can be and are manipulated all the time but people are always gonna' try to get an advantage in all walks of life , human nature. Yes there are some great players in pool leagues but they usually just do it for a good time. Here I am rambling on again like a big dummy , I apologize for that , sorry.

  4. I personally know some very good players that play in league (of course, I'm a league player, so I don't know if you want my opinion :) )...They're not great like Reyes (who is, besides Earl? ha ha), for example, but some of our best local players also compete in league. There's no money in league (occasionally you get some money, but it will just about never cover the expense of weekly play), but it's lots of fun. People who don't know that there are very, very good league players either don't know anything about leagues, haven't looked at the right leagues, or don't recognize the good players when they see them.


  5. Some of the best but its not their only game they just dont want to turn pro most are money players that could beat a pro in a heads up match and do pro does not mean the best by any means

    Its knida like pro wrestlers -Not really but kinda - do you think hulk hogan could beat a Real street fighter?? same with a pro player hookin up with a Road player the road player will win 8 outts 10 and make 6-7 times the money-And some road players are in leagues-

    Lea More with earl ???? Well Well # 4 go girl 5 more to 3rd

  6. nope well i dont anyway

  7. Most leagues have rating systems. If you assumed someone who was, for example, a 7/9 in the APA sucked then you are an idiot. There are plenty of great players who play the minimum amount of matches in league to qualify for the national tournaments where decent money can be made. Not to mention all the people who don't have any interest in becoming a pro for one reason or another (mainly because of the money) and just play league for the fun of it.

    It's all relative as well. There are plenty of people who like to talk smack about bar table players, but would get their clocks cleaned if they actually put money on the table on a bar table against a decent league player.

    Of course, if you automatically assume ANYONE is a bad player that you've never seen play with money on the table you're not a very smart player anyway.

  8. Greatness is a relative term.  If by great, you are only referring to professional level, then of course those players wouldn't be in a league.  They would be competing on one of the pro or semi-pro tours or possibly become a money player.  There just aren't enough hours in a day.  There are some top amateur players that also play in leagues, though.  Many professionals have played leagues in the past before they broke into the pro ranks.  I respect league players very much for the reason that they at the very least have a grasp of following a set of rules.  Sure, we probably won't see them on ESPN anytime soon, but there are some very good players to be found in leagues.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  9. I know a lot of grate players who play in leagues and some make good monney at it just to name a couple Robert Hall, Bobby Pickle, Keith Easterwood, all grate money players and they enjoy the fun of the league play they say it takes the preasure off just to have fun I am sure there are a lot of others out there to mourmas to name

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