
Do you guys believe in doppelgangers?

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Do you guys believe in doppelgangers?




  1. I have seen neither evidence nor reason to think such creatures exist outside of myth and lore.

  2. I believe everyone has a twin. My mom swears she saw a girl that looked just like me at a store & I live 3 hours away from her so it wasn't me.

  3. Considering the fact that there are over 6 billion people on the planet now, the odds that someone is your identical twin are very good. Actually seeing this individual? The odds are remote if not astronomical. Doppelgangers are a myth created by someone who may have had questions about their own mortality because, it was once presumed if one saw their twin they would die within the next 24 hours.

  4. I would imagine that some aliens out there might decide to clone us and make some subtle changes to eventually replace us, or our present bodies. I knew of a girl whose mother was freaked out when she brought her daughter to the dentist for a cavity which was bothering her. The dentist was confused because he had done extensive work on her teeth previously and the girls teeth now showed only one tooth with a problem. The dentist accused her of bringing in her twin or another girl as the same patient. She ended up having to change dentists. The girl had previously had a heart murmur and scars which were also gone. Ever since though the girl has had other health problems such as allergies from foods she had previously eaten without any problems. I wouldn't doubt there are some people out there who look similar to others such as some famous actors that many of us already know and would recognize in public. As for the definition of one as a ghostly figure confronting us might be more of a hallucination or delusional episode since most of us can't see ghosts anyway.

  5. Doing an investigation tomorrow night in which there have been reports of 3 sightings of a doppelganger of the man who lives in the house.

  6. I've met mine a couple of times already to make me believe it!

  7. no, each and every persons unique, theres no double for anybody

  8. Depending on your definition, ghost double or just your double.  I have seen my double.  People kept acting like they knew me every time I was in this pool hall.  Then one night I met the guy, like looking in the mirror.  It was weird but we all had a good laugh.

  9. I don't see why not, though I've never been haunted by one. I did see a picture on someone's wall of a person who could have been my identical twin, but as far as I know he isn't dead yet, so not so much a  doppelganger..

  10. not exactly believe in them,but simply can't discard the possibilities neither {there are famous reports of Doppelgaengers,(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe,Abraham Lincoln,among others)as well as other concepts related to it,}

  11. I never heard of it I googled a little of it for those of us who never heard of it.

    From Google

    The doppelgängers of folklore cast no shadow, and have no reflection in a mirror or in water. They are supposed to provide advice to the person they shadow, but this advice can be misleading or malicious. They can also, in rare instances, plant ideas in their victim's mind or appear before friends and relatives, causing confusion. In many cases once someone has viewed his own doppelgänger he is doomed to be haunted by images of his ghostly counterpart.[citation needed]

    Other folklore says that when a person's doppelgänger is seen, the person him/herself will die shortly. It is considered unwise to try to communicate with a doppelgänger.[citation needed]

    In some beliefs, a person's fetch, of similar nature to the German doppelgänger, can be seen as a person of undetermined gender, an animal, or other dissimilar being.

  12. no,not really.I think there just characters of imagination.

  13. Yes.

    Doppelgangers are a reflection of you, within some parallel universe, or dimension.

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