
Do you guys believe in.........?

by  |  earlier

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chain mails?

my friend just sent me one, well it's not the first time, but this one totally just creeped me out. I don't usually believe in this stuff but have you had anything happen to you before when you received a chain mail?




  1. No, but I've recieved alot of them!!

  2. No, get rid of them.

    They just prey on your fears/paranoia

  3. No. They're annoying and no text on the interweb is going to make my love life flourish.

  4. no, it is just a way of control. I have never done 1, and nothing even remotely weird has ever happened

  5. HA no

  6. No, not really when its daytime..

    lol But when it comes to night time and everyone is sleeping and my lights are off, i actually get paranoid when am reading one. I dont believe in it, but it still creeps me out.

  7. Do you really think somebody will come & kill you if you don't send an email to 10 people? No, they're not real. No worries :)

  8. Chain mail is OK against swords, sharks and knives, but if you're facing archers or flamethrowers, it's almost useless.

  9. no, it's a silly game and possibly harmful to our computers, depending on where they originate.  childish, in my opinion.  don't worry, they will not curse you....delete them.


  10. Delete.  Always, always, always.

  11. I've been deleting them on sight as a principal since I find them an annoying form of spam. I havent' notice any bad chainmail breaking voodoo. No, I don't believe in them at all.

  12. Of course. In fact...

    If you do not copy this text and send it to all your email contacts you'll never find true love. And a tornado will blow through your house.


    Not really.

  13. i used to receive many via internet and email

    no, nothing happened, and i NEVER sent them on i was never into that kinda rubbish, i just deleted them

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