
Do you guys know any programs in which i can erase my spyware for free??

by  |  earlier

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my computer is slow and i have moderm..i need to fixed it up....any other tips...




  1. Clean Your System With AVG Antispyware And AVG Internet Security 8.

    Done !!

  2. Ubuntu Linux. Use it once and the c**p never comes back!

    Or spybot search and destroy, but it doesn't stop it forever, you have to keep using it.

  3. try spyware terminator it's free

  4. I would first suggest to get McAffe to protect against any malware, but if you already have a simmilar program and just need a one-time fix:

    I would suggest RegRun (whose link i have posted):

    Like anyone else, i would research a link that someone give you so feel free to do so, just google search : regrun.

    It worked for me and I'm sure it will work for you.

    Hope this helped!

  5. Use Ad-Aware 2008 free edition.

  6. SUPERAntiSpyware is the best one out on the net.Just google for it!

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