
Do you guys or girls think phil mickelson is a phony?why?

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Do you guys or girls think phil mickelson is a phony?why?




  1. No on the contrary I think he pretty much lays it on the line every week.  He is a "go for it" type player that has only recently (last couple seasons) tried to manage the course a little better.  He is known to place a few wagers in Vegas (like more than you and I combined make in a year), but I don't think he tries to hide anything.

  2. Maybe in only one dealing with all the Tiger Woods questions.  Here, one must be very diplomatic with one's choice of words especially with the media.  

    If I were getting beaten at every tournament Tiger plays, and the media was constantly hounding me about Woods and Number 1 and my waist line, I would also have to develop a phony attitude to get these jackals off my back!

  3. Seems like a nice competitive guy to me.  Nothing phony about him that I can see.

  4. A quote from one of the Aussie players is that Phil must be taking acting lessons.

    The real question you want to be asking is how much gambling is too much?

    Do some digging.

  5. No i don't. I played with him back in college and think he comes across on TV the way he really is.

  6. Phony No , Unfortunate to be Playing in The Tiger Era , Yes .

  7. No!

    He's just grateful, loves his job, and loves life. Who wouldn't when you have $800,000,000?

    He has said in his books that he knows that when he say's "thank you" to the crowd or nods to them, most people don't see that or can't hear him, but he really appreciates their support, and he doesn't know of other ways to thank his fans. I think he's a class act.

  8. no, i've golfed for the past 5 years and hav follwed golf since i was like 3 (now 17)  the problem with phil is that he is not in as good a shape as the top golfers. its a fact that a strong abdominal region makes u swing better.  dont get me rong, phil is one of the top golfers, but in todays world u need to hav all the factors, physical and mental

  9. That's a funny question because to me Mickelson always comes across as a major cheeze-dog.

  10. NO!

    He plays for real. Sure he has collapsed when it comes on the line, but he is always in the final group. He's always in contention. There's nothing phony about that!

  11. Phil is a great guy with lots of respect for other players.

  12. I don't thing that he's a phony. I do believe that he's self-absorbed and a bit of a prima donna. I don't believe, however, that he's a phony.

  13. He is who he is and you are who you are!

  14. Phony? No

    A guy that loves his job? Yes

    He got over that Huck Finn, aw shucks, type attitude and has become a great asset to professional golf.

  15. Absolutely not!  Phil is a class act.  Perhaps the classiest guy on TOUR.

    He is also a shrewd professional.  He knows it is beneficial to project the best image possible.

    Bottom line:  Phil respects the traditions of the game and values the fans who shell out the dough which makes his lifestyle possible.

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