
Do you guys really hate eachother?

by Guest66840  |  earlier

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Like Australia and New Zealand do you guys really hate eachother. A New Zealander told me this, but he's stupid. I'm American, so I don't know. Thank you.




  1. No I wouldn't say we hate each other but there is definitely a rivalry in sport.

    I don't know from a Kiwi's point of view but they do seem to be the butt of most jokes ie their accent (fush and chups), their habits with sheep etc but as far as I know they do the same right back so I would say it is all in good fun as they are our nearest neighbour.

    Your friend seems to have taken the running joke a bit personally maybe?

  2. No not at all,in sport we are fierce rivals but that's about as far as it goes oh and the occasional sheep joke,

    we fought side by side in world war 1 and 2 and are both fairly laid back countries,my wife to be is a kiwi and her family and friends are great.

    I'm not sure what your friends problem is.

  3. hmm... I'm not sure call some one toll free in Australia. hey actually my friends are going to Australia really soon ill get back to you! and tell you what the Australia's say.

  4. we call new zealanders lemon suckers they stole our motto those dirty grubers.they are dang walabee hustlers fer tootin bye blmey. chiv off skakey buggers they are

  5. I'd call it more of a friendly rivalry.

  6. Despite sporting rivalry, taking the Mickey out of one another and the Aussies stealing our icons like pavlova, Phar Lap and Crowded House, we are mates.

    When fist colonised we were the furthermost from dear old England and had to fend for ourselves basically.

    It took 6 months to get something from England so we learned to improvise.

    The event that forged us into a tight friendship was the bloody Gallopli campaign in WW I. Through poor planning and leadership the campaign was a disaster but our troops excelled.

    It create the ANZAC tradition and in subsequent wars we were regarded as some of the best fighting men in the British Empire.

    Until recently, where Australia went so did NZ. (under a pacifist woman PM)

  7. Do Americans and Canadians really hate each other? New Zealanders (those who do not actually live in Australia) are jealous of Australia. Don't forget that at the time of Australia's Federation the New Zealand Government actually contemplated BECOMING PART OF Australia. They even sent over a delegation, but then missed the Constitutional Convention, and missed out. 'Aussies' and 'Kiwis' get on fine. We each know that We can depend upon the other. Most of what You have been lead to believe is the result of publicity revolving around sporting events. That's all. Tell Your 'Mate' to pull His Head in, and stop behaving like a mug!

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