
Do you guys think I am a good actress??

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Please honest answers only!!

Maybe a comment on youtube or my channel would be nice..






  1. I would say that your heart is there. I think that a drama class would benifit you. I think that you should put the camra on a stand or something that you can use your whole body to put the emoition into, to me your eyes were not telling the same story that you were telling. Theres just a few small things that you can work on nothing that time won't fix. Also drama is a lot harder then humorious. Like I said take something like a drama class, I took a year of it an loved it, it also was a debate class and I took some much away from that class you might like both atleast give them a shot. Good Luck on your Dream.

  2. Awe, you look like a friend of mine used to.

    You're so sweet and pretty.

    I think you act very well. If I tried keeping a straight face like that in front of a camera I would have burst out laughing in three seconds.

    Try getting involved in school plays and drama class!

    Posting videos on youtube can be scary and take a lot of guts...there are some rude people there. Good on you for having the courage to put yourself out there.

    Keep trying hard.

  3. Ali, your "face acting" is very good from what I can tell and you seem to understand your character well, which makes your character more believable, so bravo on that.

    However, you still sound and look like you're reading directly from your cues and it takes away so much emotion from your acting and makes it sound unnatural.  Try memorizing your lines.  When you go on auditions you will be expected to have (at least) most of your lines memorized.  

    Nevertheless, you are above average in what I have seen.  Keep at it, good luck, and I hope we see you on the silver screen some day!

  4. I think that you have potential, you look very young and at your age I could never come up with anything that good. I agree that acting classes/drama school should definately be your next step as this will allow you to perfect some more of your acting skills. I think the part that didn't allow me to feel your emotion or completely believe you was that you appeared to be constantly glancing at your lines. If you had learn't them you may have been able to concentrate more on projecting more emotion to the audience. Overall I feel it was a great monologue and I know that you have real potential to succeed in this if you want it badly enough. Good luck!!!

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