
Do you guys think boxing is not as exciting anymore?

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I don't know anyone from the Heavyweight division. I think boxing is losing is excitement.




  1. (certain) People will be excited about boxing again when Sam Peter fights Klitschko(because with a Peter victory all will be well in the universe again),then when Peter gets knocked-out people will be all sad and depressed again because someone like Sam Peter didn't become heavyweight champion.


  2. boxing is a dying sport some of the lower weights got some good fighters but the heavyweight division is dead

  3. Boxing is as exciting as it ever has been. just not the heavyweights. I would tell you to watch the welterweights and middles as they are much more fun to watch anyway.

  4. Yeah I wish Tyson was still here,he better get his son in the gym pretty soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. There are slow and off periods in any division. Considering that Pac-Man can make millions at lightweight shows you that the sport is fine. It is a worldwide sport with Asian, Latin, and European fans. Watch the turn-out Ricki Hatton had fighting a nobody last week, and that should give you some idea.

    People that say boxing is not as exciting did not see Marquez vs Vasquez III(or 1 and II for that matter) or Pac-Man vs Marquez, of Casaymor vs Katsidis, ect.

    HW division always has a slow spots between great champs and fighters. After Dempsey quit bums ruled the division until Joe Louis knocked them out. After Ali, the division started to slow into the Lost Generation of the 80s until Tyson came along and knocked all the bums out to unify the title.

    Middleweight and lightweight divisions have always fueled boxing. Now boxing got an exciting middleweight champ in Kelly Pavlik.

    Eventually HW division will pick up and an exciting champion will come along.

  6. What happens, we are growing up during the cooling off period of boxing. It happens every 10 years.

    This happens because most fighters dont start fighting good quality opponents(which equals good quality fights) until they are about 30-0. So then, they only have about 8 fights left in them(nowadays anyways, back then it wasnt uncommon for fighters to be 102-13).

    So now, we are stuck waiting while the up-and-coming fighters (Andre Berto, Chris A., and other prospects) get to 30-0 so they can fight each other and not pushovers. I think boxing will be back to normal in about 4-6 years. If not that, whenever Berto fights real comp.

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