
Do you guys think one of the next celebrity pregnancys will be Vanessa Hudgens?

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I can honestly see it... I mean who knows maybe Zac and her will break up but as it looks right now they really love eachother! In a way i can picture them being kind of like Tom and Katie Cruise.




  1. Wow you just totally insulted Katie and Tom, at least Tom is respectfully crazy and didn't gain his fame on annoying Television channel. But seriously I think the black chick from high school musical will probably end up pregnant before Vanessa, followed by Ashley Tisdale.

  2. I think Vanessa is too worried about her image and body be enough in love or enough detached from her career to let her self get pregant yet.

  3. A Zanessa baby? Aww....

  4. Haha, it would be funny ^^

  5. maybeee:)

    who knows.

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