
Do you guys think?

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el salvador is really dangerous like the news says or do they embellish stuff?

personally i never encountered something bad.wat do u guys think because someone people say its dangerous others say its not




  1. Sometimes news exaggerate telling that El Salvador is sooo dangerous. Al country has dangerous and safe places, as other people have told you already. But  because you're going as a tourist you should not go to some places by yourself. Since i came to this country i have flew to my country just once, but i found everything like when i lived there( 19 years!). If you want to visit El Salvador do it!! but dont go to dangerous or lonely places by yourself and dont make "so obvious" that you're a tourist!

    Good luck and sorry for my english lol

  2. im from El salvador and its just like washington d.c. or maryland some parts are safer then others but anywhere you go there is no guarantee you will b safe.

  3. Back in the 70's and 80's, most central American countries (and a few South american too) were experiencing terrorist threats in the form of guerrillas, etc. However, things have changed a lot and although I haven't been personally to El Salvador, I know several people who work there and there is no threat now. I have been to Guatemala and Honduras and things are ok there too. In every country (even in the US!) it is dangerous to live nowadays, I personally dont see El Salvador any more dangerous than living in NY city, Paris or Chile. Just read the news paper and you will see terrorists attempts everywhere in the world. El Salvador is no longer a dangerous country, people still have the idea of the jungle guerrillas but they pose no threat now.

  4. Like any country EL Salvador has areas that are dangerous. It

    is been one of the more violent countries per capitia. Gang violence is on the rise. In Oct.06 the community outside Santa Ana had 3 murders in 2 weeks. One of my kids was driving in San Salvador by the Bayer sign and was car jacked, got his throat cut, he lived. His father, a taxi driver was killed a year later. bus robberies are common.

    So yes stuff happens. I live in the PNW since Christmas eve there have been 10-12 violent deaths locally. It happens all over.

    I have been going to El Salvador since 01 and have not had and  I have not had any  serious problems. but I try to travel smart and low key. It's a great country to visit full of warm wonderful people.

  5. I don't think it is. But that's just my opinion.

  6. I guess it's because of all the bad stuff that the press shows. I haven't even been in El Salvador, but friends from there have told me that it is very dangerous, poor, and that there is nothing nice to see.

    And since they've told me that, I have a very bad impression of that country though I don't know what the truth is.

    Also, most people relate it to the third world and many think there will be no safe return from those countries.
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