
Do you guys think that Oompa Loompas are ANNOYING!!!!!!!???

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because they take most of the movie. the new one




  1. yes

  2. Yeah. I hate when they hop out in the middle of a tennis match. So annoying. If you ask me, it was the Oompa Loompas that cost Federer the Aussie Open. Didn't know they were actual "movie stars", but hey, they've gotta be better than Nicolas Cage...

  3. Yes, I'd like to stuff them down a gutter head first.

  4. Yes but strangely fascinating. Whoever that guy is he sure can move!

  5. oompa loompas ruining my yahoo!7answers tennis section again!!

  6. I thought the whole movie was just trying to hard, personally.

    Especially the music, it was very forgettable.

  7. omg yess.

    they should be called 'ooooompa de shoot me looompas'

  8. ummmmmm.......yeah okay! LOL They are rather quite scary...

  9. rofl, somewhat.

    but heck, its not really the movie without them.

  10. Depends on which movie your talking about. I think they are quite charming the second movie, with all the dancing and singing.

  11. lmao umm....


    ahah noo, but umm... i really don't thinnk they have a reaction.

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