
Do you half *** things? Or is this the NEW American way?

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Generally speaking, do people not take as much pride in what they do anymore? Has society itself become a haven for encouraging mediocracy?




  1. are you speaking for yourself and bragging?

    it's not that way in my workplace or in my family. i don't see it as a rule, rather it's the exception. those people don't last long or get my business a second time.

    hey portland-liberal what? get real. like there are no lazy conservatives. i am a vet and a liberal. go generalize yourself, fool.

  2. There's not a whole lot of crafts anymore where people actually have to try their best. Now they have people work machines to do the same thing. Basically anything Americans could do and have pride in is mass produced to the point that who WANTS to have pride in it?

  3. That is what liberal relativism does to a society...feels good, do it.  No self accountability...always blame someone else..

    I know, I got an idea... how about, "BUSH DID IT"...

    Take a look at the liberal c**p they are teaching our kids in school...God help us!

  4. If society is a haven, what's it a haven from?  

    Every generation believes its successor generation is doing things half***edly.  I heard it from my elders when I was a boy, and I hear it from my contemporaries now that I'm older.  I don't know if that's what you mean by the "NEW American way," but I don't put much stock in it.

  5. Things are made in a half*** fashion, to produce them and market them as quickly as possible, because America has become all about corporate profits and consumerism.

  6. I always take pride in all I do, I don't give half of myself to anything.

  7. I take pride in everything I do & I give it my all. I also teach my children the same. That's how I was raised & that's how my kids are raising their children. I think their is a lot of people left who do take pride in their work. You just have to check their work & creditials out.

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